Desulfurization System Equipment & Supplies Near Vanuatu
Manufactured by CSO Group Ltd.based in UNITED KINGDOM
Biological desulphurisation systems use naturally existing sulphur bacteria to reduce H2S from different gases. With oxygen contents above 2% by volume (typical application: odour control and biogas utilisation with CHPs) they produce sulphuric acid and in applications where the oxygen level is between 0.1 and 1% by volume (biogas desulphurisation at plants that upgrade the ...
Manufactured by JGC Holdings Corporationbased in JAPAN
JGC has realized an optimal and economical design for not only new but also existing unit of diesel hydrotreating process, based on our accumulated know-how for construction of hydrotreating units and extensive data gained from pilot and commercial units for ...
Manufactured by JGC Holdings Corporationbased in JAPAN
JUST Refinery (JGC Unitized Smart Tailored Refinery) is a stand-alone refinery concept which, by employing new technologies, enables a 30 % reduction of CAPEX over conventional refineries with similar functions, thereby improving the IRR by 5 %. Whereas conventional refineries need multiple hydrogen desulfurization systems for each fraction (naphtha, kerosene, ...
Manufactured by Celsigas by PT. Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesiabased in INDONESIA
The removal of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) from biogas and sewage gas by desulphurisation systems serves to protect the environment and improve the operational safety of biogas fuels. It is equally important to avoid corrosion in parts of the biogas plant. Selected types of activated carbon can remove hydrogen ...
One of the most efficient systems for the biological removal of sulphides from biogas is the BIDOX (BIological Desulphurization by OXidation). No chemicals are needed to operate the BIDOX system. The installation requires limited maintenance, is equipped with little process control and manages to reduce the amount of H2S in biogas to levels below 50 ppm. ...
Manufactured by Woxford Environmental Technologies (UK) Ltd.based in UNITED KINGDOM
Hydrogen sulphide (H S) is another gas by-product of anaerobic digestion, in various concentrations ranging from 100ppm to several % v/v in most cases. Removal of H S is obligatory because of health and safety regulations, and to prevent air pollution and the corrosion of gas-burning equipment, such as electricity generators and boilers. ...
Manufactured by Weihai Puyi Marine Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.,based in CHINA
Puyi EGCS is able to meet navigation requirements in different emission control areas. Puyi scrubber offers multiple designs, including square tower, U-type and I-type towers, to meet installation requirements of different ship ...
PremiumManufactured by Baolan EP Inc.based in CHINA
Dry desulfurization is to utilize the reducibility and flammability of SO2, using solid oxidant or adsorbent to desulfurize, or directly make it burn. Dry desulfurization is a method to produce Na2SO4 by the reaction of NaHCO3 and SO2, which is called dry ...
Manufactured by Hebei Huaqiang Technology & Development Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
Flue gas enters the absorption tower from the air distributor at the bottom of the fluidized bed to fully mix with lime hydrate grains. SO2,SO3 and other harmful gases such as HCI and HF then react with lime hydrate to produce Ca ...
Manufactured by Hebei Huaqiang Technology & Development Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
By introduced American WESP and combined with customer’s requirements, we R&D a wet electro- static ...
Manufactured by Beijing Yingherui Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
Before biogas used, it is necessary to remove hydrogen sulfide from the biogas to avoid corrosion of subsequent equipment. We can tailor the desulfurization process suitable for you according to the user's biogas gas volume, composition and ...
Manufactured by Vmetsbased in CHINA
VMETS UAOD technology is applicable to different petroleum products including natural gas liquids (NGL), gasoline, kerosene and diesel, reducing the Sulphur content to 10 parts per million (ppm) or less, meeting or exceeding the ultra low sulfur (ULS) transportation fuel standards of most countries and successfully reduced sulfur content in refined oil products by at least ...
Manufactured by Ducon Technologies Inc.based in USA
Ducon mainly provides the following types of Flue Gas Desulfurization ...
Manufactured by DMT Environmental Technology BVbased in NETHERLANDS
Standard system for removal of H₂S out of biogas. DMT has developed the DMT Sulfurex gas desulphurisation scrubber. The DMT-Sulfurex desulphurisation process has proven to be cost effective for smaller applications (see references) due to its low capital and running costs, whereas traditional gas desulphurisation systems are not designed for smaller ...
Manufactured by Pyro Green-Gas (formerly known as AirScience Technologies Inc.)based in CANADA
For this reason the tendency for landfill gas and biogas desulfurization has been to use activated carbon as the favored desulfurization ...
Manufactured by Jog Waste to Energy Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
Since the Classic line from JOG is fundamentally different from competitive systems. Blockage is technically nearly ...
Manufactured by KC Cottrell, Incbased in USA
KC Cottrell Inc. can offer wide range of Flue Gas Desulphurization technologies from wet FGD to semi-dry and dry scrubber technologies which can cover large scale utility boilers to medium and smallsize industrial boilers, sintering plants, glass furnaces, biomass boilers and incinerators etc. One of the cutting edge technologies KC Cottrell Inc. proudly offers is the unique KC Cottrell Gas ...
based in CANADA
Our membrane systems are the most proven and practical systems available on the market. Our systems are comprised of several key components, the main benefits of which are; Dual layer membrane design - has a fixed outer layer that provides weather protection and a flexible inner layer that provides gas storage space. ...
Manufactured by E.I.Tec. GmbH Energy and Environmental Technologybased in GERMANY
Several variants can be used for desulphurization which means that in addition to the above mentioned procedures the adsorption process SFS-W could be an ...
Manufactured by Paqell BVbased in NETHERLANDS
Gas Desulphurisation is notoriously difficult for small to medium sized sulphur sources and for ‘lean’ acid gases in particular. Most other solutions result in either high operational cost or in laborious operations. Or both… With THIOPAQ O&G, Paqell offers a way out. The THIOPAQ O&G process integrates gas desulphurization with sulphur recovery in a single unit. That ...
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