Electrical Heat Equipment Supplied In Canada
Manufactured by Landa Kärcher Groupbased in USA
The perfect choice for in-plant cleaning, this series couldn’t be easier to operate – just plug it in and get hot water! The lack of combustible fuels or hazardous fumes makes it safe to store under the stairs or in a closet. The heating coil is uniquely designed for immersion in a tank of hot water for reduced maintenance needs, and a layer of oil floating atop the ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
The ACME-SLIM packages represent 40 years of experience in electric heating, temperature control, and manufacture of large integrated package ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
A compact, reliable source of steam for space and process heating, these immersion element boilers are virtually 100% energy efficient. They are completely packaged boilers ideally suited for applications requiring from 30 to more than 10,000 pounds of steam per hour. ACME Steam Generators are based on more than half a century of accumulated experience in the ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
The model CEJS High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler is the proven leader with more hours of operating experience over a wide range of applications than any competitor. The CEJS electrodes are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel which enables the CEJS to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN oil-free, compressing screw compressors are used in a variety of highly demanding areas of application, namely those in which the quality of the conveyed medium can significantly influence the production process and the finished ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
Electrode boilers utilize the conductive and resistive properties of water to carry electric current and generate steam. An A.C. current flows from an electrode to one phase to the ground using the water as the ...
by Supreme Vacbased in CANADA
10′ x 30′ Equipped with Generator. Propane Heat. 220V Electrical Heating Air Conditioning. Subject to rental ...
Manufactured by Terexbased in USA
Terex screeds meet any contractor"s needs including fixed-width or extendable, front-mounted or rear-mounted hydraulic extensions, and fuel-fired or electric ...
Manufactured by Terexbased in USA
Terex screeds meet any contractor"s needs including fixed-width or extendable, front-mounted or rear-mounted hydraulic extensions, and fuel-fired or electric ...
Manufactured by Terexbased in USA
Terex screeds meet any contractor"s needs including fixed-width or extendable, front-mounted or rear-mounted hydraulic extensions, and fuel-fired or electric heat. Fastach diesel screeds offer operators a fixed-width design with quick-attach extensions to accommodate full-width ...
Manufactured by Dramm Corporationbased in USA
The Dramm AME Variable Power-Station is designed to provide precise control in a variety of applications. The analog Power-Station can be used for controlling variable-speed single-phase fans, electrical heating, bulb or tube lights, cooling systems or other electrical devices. The Power-Station regulates the voltage to the electronic device. ...
by Radiclebased in CANADA
Combined heat and power units (CHPs), are 98% efficient and can save you up to 70% on energy by using an engine to generate electricity and heat simultaneously. Efficiency for the win. ...
Distributed by Ventek Energy Systems Incbased in CANADA
The Ekogen Small Scale CHP System output is 100 kW electric power and 300 kW heat, adding up the annual production as high as 800 MWh electricity and respectively heat close to 2500 MWh. The plant is suitable for small industries, housing management companies, green houses and district heating companies — ...
Manufactured by Hanna Instruments, Incbased in USA
Sulfate is often added to certain types of boilers to help precipitate calcium and magnesium and to inhibit scaling. On the other hand, too much Sulfate can be corrosinve in high pressure boilers, electric turbines and heat exchangers. The Hanna HI-93751 Sulfate Meter is extremely easy to use and gives direct readout on the digital display in mg/L(ppm). To obtain ...
based in CANADA
The gas, known as biogas, contains roughly 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide and can be converted to provide usable energy: gas, electricity and heat. Other valuable by-products include pathogen-free organic fertilizer and animal ...
Manufactured by TRAK International Green Energy Resources Inc.based in CANADA
TRAK Smart Energy Systems (SES) optimally integrate Onsite Electricity Generation, Heat Recovery and Thermal Storage to deliver and sustain ideal environments and improve production processes. SES use relevant energy techniques that include GeoExchange, Centralized Heat Pumps, Internal and Exhaust Heat Recovery, Fan Coil / ...
Manufactured by Pyromaitre Inc.based in CANADA
Pyro PS-103E industrial electric oven offer unique performance capacity, uniformity and ...
based in CANADA
The working fluid is not fluid from a reservoir flowing into our wells, it is a fluid added to the closed-loop Eavor-Loop™ to create an efficient radiator, much like a vehicle radiator circulates fluid in a closed loop to remove heat from a gasoline engine. Eavor-Loop™ harvests heat from deep in the earth to be used for commercial ...
Manufactured by Inclusive Energy Ltdbased in CANADA
Inclusive Energy’s 2000 BBL tanks are manufactured to exceed industry standards. They are designed in accordance with API 12F, 620 and 650 design specifications, including dimensions and internal and external pressures. Our tanks are externally insulated and we also offer 100% internally coated models. Available for sweet or sour projects. All of our storage tanks are built for the option ...
Manufactured by Alkaline Fuel Cell Powerbased in CANADA
PWWR Flow Streams (“PWWR Flow”) is an AFCP brand focused on the development, ownership and operation of combined heat and power (“CHP”) assets. PWWR Flow assets deliver improved energy efficiency of more than 20% with lower costs to customers for use in multi-residential or commercial applications. PWWR Flow has existing contracts for the deployment of CHP ...
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