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Electrical Heating Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Tedom a.s.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    One such unit can reliably supply an entire housing area of two hundred and fifty dwellings including an adjacent primary school area with heat. At the same time, it generates enough electricity to cover the consumption of a town of two thousand inhabitants. They can also be used in energy demanding industrial plants, mines, ...

  • Manufactured by Tedom a.s.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    The Cento CHP units can be found in energy demanding buildings such as hospitals, schools, hotels, waterparks or conference centres. Smart construction, variable design and wide output range – these features enable us to install our units wherever ...

  • Manufactured by Tedom a.s.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    Installing or replacing technologies in technical rooms of buildings is often a problem, especially due to limited accessibility. When designing the Micro CHP units, we have considered these obstacles. Their compact construction fits virtually everywhere. Owing to that, their installation is fast and does not incur considerable extra costs. Even the subsequent maintenance of the units does not ...

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