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Energy Auditing Equipment & Supplies

36 equipment items found
  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Monitor airflow, moisture levels, and provides inspection equipment to find energy ...

  • based in INDIA

    Optimair Multiple Compressor System Control is designed to improve Compressed Air System Efficiency, including: Energy saving ranging from 10% to 40%. Improvement in Productivity. Constant Pressure across the Header at all time. Better utilization of Compressor Capacity. Extended Life of Compressors and ...

  • Premium
    Manufactured by VPInstruments
    based in NETHERLANDS

    VPVision is the proven energy monitoring system for plant utilities. VPVision Mobile gives you all the options from VPVision, but in a sturdy Explorer Case. Making it withstand the most challenging industrial conditions. It enables you to offer your customers a complete audit of plant utilities. ...

  • Premium
    based in USA

    Every energy demand is unique, as is every energy-efficiency improvement opportunity. At Anguil, our track record includes an ability to blend time-tested, standard products with innovative, custom engineered solutions. We design, manufacture, and install energy recovery systems that decrease your energy consumption, reduce ...

  • based in INDIA

    Energy Audit, Energy Conservation Services, Thermography ...

  • based in GERMANY

    In addition, even older compressors can be easily integrated. Furthermore, the control unit supports OPC-UA platform-independent architecture, enables an energy audit with performance test, statement of costs and reporting, and thus optimises the efficiency of your entire compressed air system. ...

  • Manufactured by Nuove Energie s.r.l.
    based in ITALY

    Reducing the company energetic cost is one of the goals that Nuove Energie has been targeting for years. That's why Nuove Energie works in order to recover the remaining temperature gradient in the wastewater to obtain a better productive efficiency. The Energy Auditing, for example, is an energy analysis ...

  • Manufactured by DENT Instrument
    based in USA

    DENT Mini and Midi Hinged current transformers are high-performance hinged current sensors designed for use in energy metering, load survey, demand metering, energy audits, and submetering applications. They are ideal where space is limited, such as when metering multiple loads within an electrical panel. Ferrule CT leads are compatible with ...

  • Manufactured by TANN Europe GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    With the expansion of our business activity to include heat and drying systems in the paper and carton manufacturing industry, we want to meet our standard for integrated and sustainable energy solutions. Our structure, our independent approach and our ability to meet a wide range of operator requirements form a solid base for flexible, fast and customer-focussed completion. TANN ...

  • Manufactured by Bullfrog Power Inc.
    based in CANADA

    The natural gas we use in our homes and businesses for heating and cooking has a significant impact on our environment. Natural gas is a fossil fuel, like oil, and not a renewable form of energy. When we burn natural gas to power our appliances or for heating purposes, carbon that was once stored underground is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Ultimately, relying ...

  • Manufactured by Efergy Technologies SL
    based in SPAIN

    Keep track of your electricity usage in real time, in a sophisticated way. The E2 Classic comes with the Elink Energy Management Software, which will enable you to export data, analyse it and learn how you can save money. It's the perfect product to perform quick home energy ...

  • Manufactured by TecQuipment Ltd
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The control panel enables operation adjustments and is equipped with a display unit for real-time data metrics, such as voltage, current, and speed, offering insights into system efficiencies and energy audits through simulations like variable load conditions and domestic consumption. It caters to detailed explorations of hydrodynamic, electrical, and overall ...

  • Manufactured by Bullfrog Power Inc.
    based in CANADA

    Understanding Canada’s current electricity challenge: Our primary methods of electricity generation are harming the environment. Fossil fuel-based power generating facilities-that use coal, oil or gas-are a leading source of carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas linked to climate change. Fossil fuel-based electricity production is also a major source of pollutants, including nitrogen ...

  • Know Where You Stand — and How Much You Stand to Gain. With FME’s free Energy Benchmark product, you’ll get an accurate reading of your building’s energy appetite. It’s a quick way to set realistic targets, rule out unnecessary actions, and identify the potential for significant, immediate improvements in your building’s ...

  • Manufactured by Secure Meters (UK) Ltd
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Accurate and inter-operable comms with advanced event detection for LV, MV and HV metering. Premier is a comprehensive range of CT / VT operated meters. They cover a wide range of power levels and offer flexible time-of-use tariff metering and communications capabilities. Premier 300 is the latest offering from this range. It has enhanced event detection facilities and inter-operable DLMS ...

  • Manufactured by Fludia
    based in FRANCE

    Fludia “BelSenso” meter readers are the most effective solution for collecting, measuring and monitoring the electricity and gas consumption of Small & Medium-sized Buildings. These user-friendly, self-powered, smart sensors clip on all types of gas and power meters to facilitate and accelerate your AMR, SmartHome and SmartBuilding ...

  • Manufactured by Secure Meters (UK) Ltd
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Prodigy is a genuine innovation in the field of three phase direct connected metering. It is an integrated meter with built-in current transformers, eliminating the need for external CTs and accessories. Prodigy is based on the unique concept of thread-through connections, which helps maintain overall system accuracy and revenue ...

  • based in INDIA

    Instrument can operate on fuels ranging from Kerosene, LCD, HSD, LSHS, F.O, NATURAL GAS, COAL etc. Customer can feed the program for non-standard fuel codes. Calorific value is based on locally available fuels. CO2 Excess Air and combustion efficiency reading are calculated as per BS 845 User friendly interface with the operator by means of elaborate message. Pocket size, Lightweight easy to ...

  • Manufactured by John Cockerill Group
    based in BELGIUM

    In a world in energy transition moving toward a greener, more sustainable, flexible and human size environment, CMI Energy launched in 2017 an activity specialized in Energy Storage. Energy Storage is indeed a game changer, enabling to integrate intermittent renewable energies, supply electricity on demand, ...

  • Distributed by CD Nova Ltd
    based in CANADA

    Line Powered 100/115/208/230V or 277/347/480/600V. AC Demand and Consumption Measurement. The PowerBullet™ comes as a power or energy transducer designed for monitoring demand and consumption in residential, commercial and industrial applications. It is a line-powered, phase-to-phase unit with outputs compatible with the Voltage or Pulse inputs of most measurement systems. ...

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