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Emporia Energy Data Equipment & Supplies

4 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Emporia Corp
    based in USA

    The Emporia V2X Charging Station is a bi-directional car charger that can use your car battery to power your home (V2H) or the grid (V2G). Equipped with a silicon-carbide-based AC/DC inverter designed by BREK Electronics, it's capable of up to 11.5kW charging or discharging power, it’s compatible with CCS Type 1 connectors.‍ Its waterproof IP66 enclosure is made to withstand the ...

  • Manufactured by Emporia Corp
    based in USA

    The Emporia Vue Utility Connect energy monitor is a wireless Home Area Network (HAN) device that easily plugs into a standard 120V electrical outlet in your home near your ZigBee® Enabled AMI Smart Meter. The system protects your home’s health by helping you manage energy use and solar net metering while making your home more energy ...

  • Manufactured by Emporia Corp
    based in USA

    The Emporia Electric Vehicle EV Charging Station is a Level 2 electric vehicle charger that charges any EV up to 40 amps with NEMA 14-50P or up to 48 amps with hardwired installation. It comes with a 24’ cable (from charger to tip of gun) with an SAE J1772 connector so it works with all electric cars. Its watertight NEMA Type 4 enclosure is made to withstand the elements ...

  • Manufactured by Emporia Corp
    based in USA

    The Emporia Vue Energy Monitor installs in an electrical panels. It supports either single-phase up to 240VAC line-neutral; single, split-phase 120/240VAC; and three-phase up to 415Y/240VAC (no Delta). We recommend using a licensed electrician. The Vue monitors the total energy use and solar net metering of your home through a simple iOS or Android app. ...

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