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Bluewater Energy Service Equipment & Supplies

5 equipment items found
  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Bluewater has developed the e-buoy, a CALM buoy system that enables offshore transfer of electricity to a vessel. The avide power to moored ships in waiting areas, allowing these ships to switch off diesel generators, eliminating stand-by emissions. The e-buoy is a turret CALM buoy, which is a field-proven, reliable and robust concept, offering protection to the electrical equipment and allowing ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Building on over 40 years of experience in designing permanently moored systems, Bluewater has developed a Tension Leg Platform (TLP) to support offshore wind turbines. The TLP foundation is lightweight and is not designed for tow-out stability with a wind turbine, but for the support of a wind turbine when installed at ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Bluewater has developed a system to produce electrical power near-shore by harvesting tidal energy with a floating tidal energy converter. Building on our decades of experience in mooring and transfer systems offshore, we have successfully designed and field demonstrated a floating, tidal energy converter ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    For more than 40 years, Bluewater has successfully designed and delivered very cost effective Turret Buoys to recognized marine terminal operators, oil majors and refineries worldwide, to allow offshore and near shore (off-) loading of tankers of any size. Our buoys have demonstrated to enable flexibility in operation and extremely low maintenance needs thanks to the high quality and technology ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Multiproduct swivels are a key component for our single point mooring systems to transfer liquids, gasses, chemicals, utilities, electrical power and signals between the seabed and the free weathervaning floating units like FPSO and FLNG units. Bluewater has designed and successfully delivered swivel stacks, with a large number of field proven modules and stack heights reaching close to 25 meters ...

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