Fluidized Bed Equipment & Supplies Near Latin America

128 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Mimsan Energy
    based in TURKEY

    Mimsan may transform the thermal energy, which occurs as a result of combustion of biomass, into the form of high pressure hot oil, and may provide Turnkey Electricity ...

  • Manufactured by MIS Industry
    based in TURKEY

    Fluid bed dryers are often employed with the spray dryers and granulation systems for effective drying, mixing, granualtion, finishing and cooling of powdered ...

  • based in BELGIUM

    Tractebel Engineering has many years’ of experience in both Pulverized Coal technology CFPPs – from Subcritical to today’s state-of-the-art Ultra-Super-Critical, between 50 and 1000 megawatt – and Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology (CFBT) CFPPs up to 300 ...

  • Manufactured by Mimsan Group
    based in TURKEY

    Next-Generation Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology is designed to create complete combustion by recycling unburned particles from the Furnace. Therefore, both the low- calorie and high-calorie lignite can be burned with high yield. With this technology, it is possible to ensure energy economy in each period based on periodical changes in fuel ...

  • based in INDIA

    Rugged construction Distributor plate for optimized fluidization Free expansion alloy retort Low gas consumption Auto fluidization & process control Electrically heated, oil or gas fired furnaces . The equipment is designed to optimize energy and atmosphere ...

  • based in INDIA

    Capacity – up to 15,000,000 K Cal /hr. Temp – up to 180 °C. Fuels – Indonesian coal, Indian coal, rice husk, biomass briquettes, Agro waste etc. ...

  • based in INDIA

    We manufacture advanced drying solutions and specialize in various high-quality dryers, including the highly efficient and versatile vibratory fluid bed dryer, also known as the vibratory fluidized bed dryer. We take pride in our cutting-edge technology and commitment to excellence, making us a leading name in the industry. With extensive ...

  • Manufactured by CHEEMA BOILERS LIMITED
    based in INDIA

    Slop Fired Boilers offers ZERO EFFLUENT LIQUID DISCHARGE that enhanced energy security to the distillery and provides solutions for its effluent management challenges. ...

  • based in INDIA

    KILBURN manufactures Fluid Bed Dryers and Coolers in technical collaboration with M/s. NARA MACHINERY COMPANY, JAPAN, the world leader in this field.These dryers/coolers utilize the FLUIDIZED BED TECHNIQUE to effectively dry many chemical, petrochemical, and other ...

  • based in INDIA

    Vibratory Fluidised Bed Dryer is an extension of fluidised bed techniques, by using vibrations as an external aid to ...

  • Manufactured by SITSON India Pvt Ltd
    based in INDIA

    Highlights of our boilers - Over bed and under bed designs, High combustion efficiency', High turn down ratio – 1:4., Easy ash removal, Easy maintenance, Flexibility in burning fuels, Burning of coal having high ash content – up 45 ...

  • Manufactured by Alfa-Therm Limited
    based in INDIA

    Alfa therm Hazardous/industrial waste incinerator is a specialized designed to safely and effectively dispose of hazardous and industrial waste through combustion. Hazardous waste refers to any waste material that poses a substantial threat to human health or the environment due to its chemical, biological, or physical ...

  • based in INDIA

    SVAAR offers fluid bed for food and chemical drying applications. Fluidized bed dryers (FBD) are used extensively for the drying of wet particulate and granular materials that can be fluidized, and even slurries, pastes, and suspensions that can be fluidized in beds of inert solids. ...

  • based in INDIA

    Power Cogeneration Boilers use a variety of fuel sources, including Natural Gas, Coal, Biomass, and Waste Heat from Industrial processes, to produce electricity and steam. They are an essential component of many industrial processes, allowing for the efficient and effective production of both electricity and steam. Whether you require a Power Cogeneration Boiler for a new installation or for ...

  • Manufactured by Case Group
    based in INDIA

    CASE Entrained Flow Gasifiers are Fourth Generation Coal Gasifiers where the technology is a step ahead of Circulating Fluidized Bed Coal Gasifiers. These gasifiers are designed to gasify a wide range of coal qualities ranging from High Grade Bituminous to High Ash Lignite. The technology works on the ash fusion temperatures of coal. LOW ASH fusion temperature ...

  • based in INDIA

    Unique four sides/ two sides/ five side water wall design provide higher heat transfer in radiation zone and lower fuel gas entry temp in convective zone ensure longer life & better efficiency. Combuster suitable for firing a wide range of solid fuel like bubbling bed, fluidised bed, dumping grate, pulsating grate, chain grate, horizontal reciprocating grate. ...

  • At the heart of the FICFB (Fast Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed) reactor are two interconnected fluidized bed reactors. In one, the gasification reactor, feedstock together with water vapor produces a nearly nitrogen-free, low-tar gas with high calorific value in a circulating fluidized bed ...

  • based in INDIA

    We are Spin Flash Dryer System Manufacturers.There are most practical constant drying systems of consistent and non-consistent filter pressing cakes, this type of dryer can handle moisture content up to 20 – 70 %. As a direct drying process, materials are brought into contact of hot and dried air. This system made by Prochem Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd offers the advantages of very low labor ...

  • Manufactured by Ross Boilers
    based in INDIA

    The outlet temperature is normally around 95°C, but can be offered upto 130Deg C in pressurized units. These units are designed to run on multiple fuels like, coal, wood, agro-waste pellets. Fluidized bed combustion systems con be supplied for fuels such as rice husk and saw dust. These units con be easily converted to burn liquid or gaseous ...

  • Manufactured by Thermax Limited
    based in INDIA

    Thermax's bubbling type AFBC boiler offers efficient, cost-effective and reliable steam generation and is a viable alternative to conventional solid fuel-fired boilers for industrial applications. With over 265 installations across the world, the boiler offers benefits like fuel flexibility, high efficiency, low emissions, and reduced capital and operating expenses. Thermax's AFBC boiler design ...

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