Gas Engine Equipment Supplied In Mozambique

48 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The Jenbacher Type-2 gas engine was introduced in 1974 and is the engine with the longest development history of the range. The 208 has 8 inline cylinders and is available at electrical output from 249kWe or 335kWe. The J208 is renowned for its robust design and highest levels of component durability. ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Continuously refined on GE Jenbacher’s extensive experience, the GE Jenbacher type 6 engines are reliable, advanced products serving the 1.8 to 4.4 MW power range. It’s 1,500 rpm engine speed results in a high power density and low installation costs. The type 6 pre-combustion chamber achieves maximum efficiency with low emissions. ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Based on the proven design concepts of Type-3 and Type-6, the modern Type-4 engines in the 800-1,500kWe power range are characterised by a high power density and outstanding efficiency. The optimised control and monitoring provides easy preventative maintenance and maximum reliability and ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Long service intervals, maintenance-friendly engine design and low fuel consumption ensure maximum efficiency in GE Energy’s type 3 engines. Optimised engine components prolonging service, life even when using non-pipeline gases such as landfill gas. The Type-3 stands out in its 500 to 1,100 kWe power range due to its ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Waukesha 275GL+ represents the most advanced generation of high-horsepower engines in the gas compression segment. A combination of robust construction and innovative technology, the 275GL+ lean-burn engine delivers excellence in fuel flexibility, efficiency, power output and emissions for unmatched performance. ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    As the only gas engine specialist offering small and large engines, GE is introducing the innovative J920 9.5MWesystem. Whether you are seeking full power at high efficiency levels or a unit capable of short start-up times, GE’s J920 Jenbacher gas engine is your ideal solution for reliable lasting power ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The mobileFLEX portfolio is the latest advancement from GE to deliver lower-cost, lower-emission power to drill rigs, artificial lift enhanced oil recovery and oilfield equipment. An all-gas alternative to diesel units, mobileFLEX is an EPA mobile-certified solution that provides a cost advantage to energy producers and operational advantage to drilling contractors by utilising ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The Waukesha Series Four rich-burn engines are the engines of choice for the harshest and most demanding gas compression, power generation and mechanical drive applications. The engines can reliably produce more power on hot field gases, at high altitudes, and in remote locations, all while delivering low emissions when paired ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Clarke Energy recognised the requirements for a ‘power module’ based around the GE Jenbacher Type-6 engine. The power module scope which comprises of engine, enclosure, silencer cooling system and other key ancillary components has been optimised for the requirements of the Australian coal gas and remote power ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    A GE Jenbacher gas engine module is configured for the recovery of both electricity and heat via a cogeneration / CHP configuration. As with the genset, the gas engine is linked to the alternator which produces electrical power for export. The cooling water circuits of the engine are first linked to a plate heat ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    A GE's Jenbacher genset is configured to produce electrical power only, which the Jenbacher unit does at high efficiency. When a unit is in a genset configuration the engine, alternator and other supporting items are located on a skid. Waste heat from the engine would be dissipated in the exhaust gas and via an engine cooling ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The GE Jenbacher container is a high quality unit which can be deployed where economical and speedy installation is required. The GE Jenbacher containers are fully tested when they leave the production facility and are excellent for plug-and-play applications. The overall compact design ensures a space saving installation with service-orientated ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Gas engines are well suited to acting in island mode operation as a captive power plant. Island mode operation relates to those power plants that operate in isolation from the national or local electricity distribution ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Fuel gas boosters or blowers are used to raise the pressure of fuel gas to the operating level of the gas engine or combined heat and power plant. Gas boosters are often required for biological gas applications where the pressure level of the biogas holder is below ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Absorption chillers can be used to deliver a trigeneration solution for a combined heat and power plant. Absorption chillers produce chilled water by heating two different substances that are in thermal equilibrium to separation, then reuniting them through heat removal. An example of two substances that may be used for this process is water and lithium bromide. Absorption chillers can be ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Exhaust gas heat exchangers (EGHE) utilise waste heat from the exhaust of the GE's Jenbacher gas engine cogeneration plant. They are typically located adjacent to the engine or are mounted on the roof of a containerised combined heat and power unit. ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    A fuel gas dehumidifier or gas drier is an ancillary system to a gas engine that is used to remove moisture from the fuel gas for the cogeneration system (dessication). The removal of water from the fuel gas helps to optimise the combustion process in the engine, prevents ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Approximately 25% of the usable energy of the fuel gas is released in the exhaust of the gas engine. This can be captured for cogeneration in a combined heat and power plant. This heat exits the engine at ~450oC as ‘high grade heat’, contrasting to ‘low-grade heat’ available from the generator cooling ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Gas engines utilising syngas as a fuel can be configured in a combined heat and powerconfiguration in order to maximise the efficiency of the ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    For power users where security of supply is an important factor for their selection of power production equipment and gas is abundant, gas-based cogeneration systems are ideally suited as captive power plants (i.e. power plants located at site of ...

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