Gas Network Equipment Supplied In Canada
PremiumManufactured by Mobiltex Data Ltd.based in CANADA
The Abriox OSPREY SP Multichannel Remote Pressure Monitor is a solar-powered remote monitoring unit that can be installed in pressure regulating stations, district governors and city gates to monitor gas pressure up to 1450psi. A total of 3 pressure channels are available [OSPREY-MCA add-on required] which enables multiple pressure monitoring for a complete overview of the ...
Manufactured by AB Holding SpAbased in ITALY
The CH4LNG liquefaction system enables obtaining liquid biomethane, an ideal solution for those who are not able to access the gas network. Liquid biomethane has significant competitive advantages, including the fact that it is three times thicker than compressed natural gas and that, compared to the latter, it guarantees greater cruising range ...
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