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Heat And Power Equipment & Supplies

504 equipment items found
  • based in USA

    Cartridge heaters provide localized and precise heating. These cartridge heaters are manufactured with a resistance coil wound around a ceramic core. This core is then surrounded by dielectric and encased in a metal sheath. Powered heat transfer through the coil to the sheath causes the sheath to heat up. ...

  • based in CANADA

    The 9M Solar Concentrator is designed to automatically track the sun and collect the sun’s energy and focus 1000X concentrating solar energy onto a solar stirling engine receiver which in turn converts the focused solar thermal energy into grid-quality electricity. The solar stirling engine operates with concentrated solar power heat from the sun that is ...

  • Manufactured by BOFU
    based in CHINA

    The tracker operates using either a single or dual-axis configuration, allowing for precise alignment with the sun's movement. This concentration of sunlight generates high temperatures at the light collection area, which is converted into heat energy through photothermal conversion. The heat energy is then used to power a heat ...

  • Manufactured by Araner

    This technology ensures that this cooled air will not drag any water drop by installing ARADrops downstream the air cooling heat exchanger, increasing the turbine power output. ARADrop is specially designed so as to let the inlet air continue to the gas turbine compressor but not the possible water drops produced in the air cooling process, since they are catched ...

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