Heat Pump Controller Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by Ariterm Service Oybased in FINLAND
Ariterm bio heating systems are controlled by Arimatic control center, which can be equipped with multiple extensions according to the operator’s needs. Arimatic control centers differ by the capacity of the controlled device. Administration is implemented using Siemens’ programming logic with user ...
Manufactured by Lync, by WATTSbased in USA
Lync’s Aegis W is a powerful commercial CO2 heat pump water heater powered by R744, better known as refrigerant grade CO2. Aegis W produces hot water up to 170°F at source temperatures as low as 18°F with no need for supplemental heat. By simply absorbing and moving heat from the source loop instead of needing to ...
Manufactured by Master Thermbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Extremely quiet & efficient air-to-water compact monobloc heat pump. Range from 1 to 22 kW. Repeatedly awarded by experts worldwide. ...
Manufactured by Resol GmbHbased in GERMANY
The DeltaTherm® FK Solid fuel boiler controller has been especially developed for systems with solid fuel boilers, water heating stoves or pellet stove heating systems. With the integrated PWM outputs, the DeltaTherm® FK can manage the speed control of 2 high-efficiency pumps. ...
Manufactured by Heliotherm Wärmepumpentechnik Ges.m.b.H.based in AUSTRIA
Your own home is the perfect place to replenish geothermal energy. The installation of a Heliotherm ground source heat pump with surface collectors, adds to your garden creating an inviting place of rest and inexhaustible source of ...
Manufactured by IRSCbased in EGYPT
IRSC Solar thermal systems reduce water-heating costs for households and businesses by as much as eighty percent. Another bonus is that IRSC solar thermal users are protected from energy price hikes because the sun is readily available. IRSC estimates that solar thermal systems will last the entire lifetime of your ...
Manufactured by Hewalexbased in POLAND
The KS2000 TP flat plate solar collectors are intended for hot domestic water systems in single-family homes and apartment houses, as well as commercial, industrial, and other buildings. They can also be used for heating pool water and to support central heating systems in single-family homes. ...
Manufactured by Vaillant Group Internationalbased in GERMANY
With the flexoTHERM range, Vaillant provides the latest technological evolution of heat pumps. EVI (Enhanced Vapor Injection) technology achieves particularly high seasonal yield levels, far above those achieved with any other compressor technology, applied to water-to-water or geothermal heat pumps. This model of refrigeration ...
Manufactured by Shenzhen Power World New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
Energy saving air source heat pump heat recovery system for hot water, heating and chilling. ...
Manufactured by Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KGbased in GERMANY
Compact air source heat pump in monoblock design. Rated heating output: 2.6 to 14.9 kW. Integral DHW cylinder. High energy efficiency. Sustainable operation ...
Manufactured by Arctic Heat pumpsbased in CANADA
The Arctic Heat Pump is a revolution in heat pump technology that remains unsurpassed in terms of cost and performance. Our Engineers designed this heat pump with a mission to make it the most efficient cold climate heat pump on the market at a price point of ...
Manufactured by Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KGbased in GERMANY
Air source heat pump in monoblock design - Rated heating output: 2.6 to 14.9 kW, High energy efficiency, Sustainable operation, Cooling function. ...
Manufactured by SunOyster Systems GmbH (SOS)based in GERMANY
SunOyster cooling (SOcool) is proposed because sunny countries are often very warm, and buildings there need cooling more than they need heating. Thermal chillers are machines that use heat to generate cold, and are readily available on the market. There is nothing more logical than using these machines to convert the heat produced by the ...
Manufactured by Master Thermbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Ultra-compact & highly efficient R290 ground-to-water unit with output up to 6 kW & integrated 150 liter cylinder. ...
Manufactured by Energie Energia Solar Termodinâmicabased in PORTUGAL
Reduce hot water bill in your condominium, hotel, school, gym or industry with ENERGIE Thermodynamic Solar System. The solution Eco XL is the latest generation in water heating. Uses a high performance innovative technology that allows the user to benefit from a substantial reduction in water heating costs and getting a quick payback of the investment. You can ...
Manufactured by Consolar Solare Energiesysteme GmbHbased in GERMANY
The CONTROL 602 and 702 are state-of-the-art system controllers that set standards. They were designed with a number of functions for particularly energy-saving operation of heating and solar systems. The standard LAN interface of CONTROL 602 and 702 enables simple remote access to your system via the Internet. ...
Manufactured by Master Thermbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
The most powerful air-to-water heat pumps in our range. Highly efficient R290 units with output up to 50 kW. Designed for commercial & industrial heating and cooling. ...
Manufactured by Suomen Lämpöpumpputekniikka Oybased in FINLAND
Due to its compact size, Esi -series can be placed to small and narrow spaces (e.g. basements). Lämpöässä Esi is a great solution for buildings, where the current heating system remains as parallel/backup system alongside ground source ...
Manufactured by Trane - a brand of Ingersoll Randbased in IRELAND
Trane® Comprehensive Chiller-Heater systems, featuring electric heat pumps, provide cost-effective, energy-efficient, reliable cooling and heating, while reducing carbon emissions. Ideal for larger buildings, especially those with hydronic systems, these pre-engineered solutions make electrified HVAC systems easier to specify and implement. ...
Manufactured by Suomen Lämpöpumpputekniikka Oybased in FINLAND
Smaller T models are especially common in pieces of real estate suffering from severe lack of space or where the existing heating system is to remain as a parallel/back-up system to the ground source heat pump. The largest T models are well suitable for pieces of real estate characterised by large heated area and/or especially ...
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