Heat Pump Controller Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by Suomen Lämpöpumpputekniikka Oybased in FINLAND
Vsi ground source heat pump is a compact and silent so it can be placed to a utility room, for example. Vsi units offer the largest storage tank (230 L) in their size class. It is possible to connect ÄssäCooling unit to Lämpöässä ...
Manufactured by Heliotherm Wärmepumpentechnik Ges.m.b.H.based in AUSTRIA
rhanks to its high heating capacity of up to 50 kw, the sensor-split air/water heat pump is the ideal solution for large-scale residential buildings, hotels and rommercial buildings of all kinds. 3y a max. flow temperature of up to 62 °C, as well as combination possibilities /vith already existing heat emission systems, the ...
Manufactured by AKG of America Inc.based in USA
Maintaining the optimum temperature of the battery and further temperature sensitive components can be done either with our compact module or with our heat pump system. The compact module is using an air-cooled condenser and an optional high voltage heater. With our heat pump system and the intelligent ...
Manufactured by Xiamen Beris Tech Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
BT10-HP is designed for heat pumps with an auxiliary heat control system. It has full compatibility with the systems inclusive of oil fuel/gas fuel/electric fuel/single, two-stage, multi-stage heating&cooling. Integrated with Wi-Fi 2.4Ghz, this heat pump thermostat allows you ...
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