Heat Recovery Steam Equipment Supplied In USA
Manufactured by G.C. Broach Companybased in USA
Heat Recovery Steam Generators are also referred to as: HRSG’s, Waste Heat Boilers, Heat Recovery Boilers, Waste Heat Steam Generators, Waste Heat Recovery Cogeneration Boilers, and Auxillary Fired Waste ...
Manufactured by Clayton Industriesbased in USA
Clayton Heat Recovery Steam Generators are in operation around the world serving co-generation plants, thermal oxidizers, incinerators and many other applications. Systems are able to produce high pressure steam—up to 450 psig—as well as high temperature hot water. ...
based in USA
B&W's Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) is a product of more than 145 years of steam generation experience and innovative research and technology leadership. Each HRSG is custom designed to maximize the recovery of energy from your combustion ...
Manufactured by Cleaver-Brooksbased in USA
The Cleaver-Brooks Max-Fire boiler incorporates an integral furnace in a single shop-assembled package heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) that combines a furnace and evaporator and superheater, if applicable, with a natural circulation design. Capable of steam flows up to 500,000 lb/hr, the Max-Fire Series is offered in two ...
Manufactured by Martin Energy Group, LLCbased in USA
A heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is an energy recovery heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process (cogeneration) or used to drive a steam turbine (combined ...
Manufactured by Braden Groupbased in USA
Obtaining and maintaining plant efficiency is critical to the economic well-being of your power plant. To achieve optimum performance, all integrated parts must work together fluidly, providing maximum ...
Manufactured by AC Boilers S.p.A. - Sofinter Groupbased in ITALY
AC BOILERS SpA, formerly Ansaldo Caldaie, has extensive experience with Heat Recovery Steam Generators for large Combined Cycle Power Plants and has installed over 100 units in Italy and ...
Manufactured by CECO Environmentalbased in USA
Baffles are vanes or panels utilized to direct the flow of exhaust gas, typically through the heated surfaces of a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) / boiler (harps or modules). Our Peerless-Aarding brand baffles are designed to minimize gas bypassing the harps or modules, and they maximize the exchange of ...
Manufactured by Rentech Boiler Systems, Inc.based in USA
These units can be provided in multiple gas flow configurations, adding to the design flexibility. Tube arrangements can be staggered or inline to maximize heat transfer and to minimize draft losses for maximum efficiency. Our cross flow boilers utilize a rigid carbon steel outer casing and internal insulation protected by a floating liner. ...
Manufactured by CECO Environmentalbased in USA
To achieve higher efficiency levels, gas turbine waste heat is used to generate process steam or steam turbine operation. Our Peerless-Aarding brand Gas Turbine Bypass Exhaust Duct allows flexible operation of the power island as well as the capability of starting the gas turbine in rapid starting mode and allowing the heat ...
Manufactured by Braden Groupbased in USA
A gas turbine bypass system diverts flue gases from the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) in combined cycle mode to a bypass stack with a silencer assembly to operate in simple cycle mode. Maintenance can then be performed on the HRSG as the diverter isolates it completely from the gas ...
Manufactured by G.C. Broach Companybased in USA
Waste Heat Recovery Boilers are also referred to as HRSG’s, Waste Heat Boilers, Heat Recovery Boilers, Waste Heat Steam Generators, Waste Heat Recovery Cogeneration Boilers, and Auxillary Fired Waste Heat ...
based in USA
Our D400 and D600 type steam turbines primarily support F-class and H-class gas turbine plants. They were developed for high-efficiency power generation at larger single-shaft or multi-shaft plants and for sites with low to very-low exhaust pressure. The D type steam turbines feature a combined high pressure (HP)/intermediate pressure (IP) section and either one ...
Manufactured by GIG Karasek GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
The thermal vapor recompression (TVR) builds on the same principle as the mechanical alternative, but uses only a portion of the resulting vapor for heating the system. The compression of the steam for heat recovery takes place in a steam jet pump. This is usually designed for a specific operating point and works ...
Manufactured by Webco Industries, Inc.based in USA
Webco’s industry-leading experience and knowledge provide our customers with best-in-class solutions for their specialty stainless tubing needs. Webco offers a wide range of mill-direct cut-to-length and coiled tube solutions along with customizable finishing options (including bending, end forming and conditioning, custom precision cutting, finning, unique surface finishes, and more), ...
Manufactured by Combustion Associates Inc. (CAI)based in USA
Spirit 1 MW power generation system is designed for maximum flexibility and the highest availability of both liquid and gaseous fuels with heat values as low as 450BTU/cu.ft. This compact, fully contained modular power generation solution offers maximum ease of integration with a wide range of alternative fuel applications. The system uses a proven aero-derivative gas turbine ...
based in USA
Cogeneration plants add another degree of efficiency by also supplying steam to nearby customers for industrial processing or heating. Calpine operates the nation’s largest fleet of cogeneration facilities – also called combined heat and power ...
Manufactured by GE Powerbased in USA
GE integrates technology, experience, and people to deliver the highest-value simple-cycle and combined-cycle power plants anywhere in the world. This value comes from technologies that provide the lowest lifecycle cost of converting fuel into ...
Manufactured by Gooch Thermal Systemsm, Incbased in USA
Gooch Thermal Systems, Inc. is the largest American manufacturer of spiral heat exchangers. We custom-design spiral heat exchangers that are cost-effective, energy saving solutions to difficult heat transfer problems. Spiral heat exchangers are ideal for fouling services that rapidly diminish thermal performance and require ...
Manufactured by Braden Groupbased in USA
Innova offers testing, analysis, design and installation of cost-effective custom designed silencers that offer guaranteed results. Innova uses a proven, in-house proprietary silencer design program to design silencer baffles. Our acoustic baffle fill material is tested for exact acoustic properties to ensure acoustic performance, and the material is sourced from high purity mines for durability ...
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