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Dumag Industrial Burner Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Dumag GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    Thanks to the special features of the DUMAG® IBX model, the burner system can significantly reduce thermal (temperature related) and fuel attributable (fuel bound nitrogen) NOx formation. A double or triple staged burner air supply, utilizing precisely positioned and directed lances, effectively reduces NOx combustion ...

  • Manufactured by Dumag GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    Whenever an application requires a stable firing process under demanding conditions achieving a very high turn down ratio, DUMAG’s multifuel burner might be the right answer. In order to meet the target for a cost-effective but still quality driven approach, the fully welded design of the MFB has been reduced to the essential though offering the possibility to operate with ...

  • Manufactured by Dumag GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    In the recent years DUMAG has been assigned to design and build an increasing number of combustion systems up to 45 MW, treating more than 20 different gaseous and liquid fuels and waste streams, which often contain significant amounts of fuel-bound ...

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