Industrial Heating Equipment & Supplies Near Czech Republic
Manufactured by Grundfosbased in DENMARK
UPS is a three-speed circulator pump designed for heating and air-conditioning systems and is also used for central and district heating systems. The pump provides reliable and maintenance-free ...
Manufactured by Grundfosbased in DENMARK
The MAGNA1 D circulator pump is ideal for basic performance needs in heating and cooling application. The pump offers peace of mind due to the security of supply obtained by having a redundant pump, resulting in improved uptime. The two pumps communicate ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN oil-free, compressing screw compressors are used in a variety of highly demanding areas of application, namely those in which the quality of the conveyed medium can significantly influence the production process and the finished ...
Manufactured by Grundfosbased in DENMARK
The MAGNA3 D circulator pump means double the performance and reduced downtime. The two pumps communicate wirelessly and connects directly with the Grundfos GO app via ...
Manufactured by Grundfosbased in DENMARK
The Grundfos MAGNA1 circulator pump is ideal for basic performance needs in heating and cooling applications. The pump offers basic system control and monitoring and can communicate via a fault relay and digital ...
Manufactured by B:POWER, a. sbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
ORC POWER+ features patent-protected rotating twin screw expander. The rotary expander produces electricity transformed from a source of low-temperature waste heat. Installing the POWER+ offers a potential alternative to utilization of waste heat and a very attractive payback ...
Manufactured by PBS Power Equipment, s.r.o.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
Automatic combined burners series AKH – ME with electronic coupling fuel-air for combustion gaseous fuel and ELTO. Series AKH-ME covers modernized types of automatic combined burners with power range from 400 into 8 000 kW for burning gaseous fuel (low-pressure and medium-pressure natur gas, propane, propane-butane, sewage gas, biogas, fire damp and extra light furnace oil (ELTO). ...
Manufactured by PBS Velká Bíteš, a.s.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
PBS manufactures and supplies industrial waste heat boilers for gas turbines, gas engines and other steam or hot water generating facilities with a capacity of 5 to 80 ...
Manufactured by EndressHauser AGbased in SWITZERLAND
Universal flow and energy computer for gases, liquids and steam. The flow and energy manager RMC621 calculates standard volume as well as mass and energy flows of natural and technical gases, fluids and steam from flow, pressure, temperature and density. Depending on the medium calculation of the energy values occurs according to international standards (IAPWSIF97, SGERG88), real gas equations ...
Manufactured by EndressHauser AGbased in SWITZERLAND
Potential for cost savings can be shown by using the software available as an accessory. The device has a custody transfer approval and allows bi-directional measurement, e.g. charging/discharging of a heat ...
Manufactured by Körting Hannover AGbased in GERMANY
The steam flowing through the nozzle is expanded so that a low-pressure zone is generated at the nozzle outlet. This causes the liquid in the tank to be sucked in. Steam condenses thereby heating the liquid which flows back into the tank via the mixed-flow ...
Manufactured by VOSMIK - E&Cbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Heat exchanger designed for air conditioning, industrial refrigeration, heating/drying of air in paper or textile technology, wood-plant dryers, cooling of electrical machines, etc. Using of corrugated fins allows to achieve very efficient heat transfer surfaces. ...
Manufactured by VOSMIK - E&Cbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Heat exchanger designed for air conditioning, industrial refrigeration, systems of heating or cooling of air, oil cooling or as condenser or evaporator. Using of corrugated fins allows to achieve very efficient heat transfer surfaces. Pressure loss can be corrected by pitch of tubes and fins. ...
Manufactured by Master Thermbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
The most powerful air-to-water heat pumps in our range. Highly efficient R290 units with output up to 50 kW. Designed for commercial & industrial heating and cooling. ...
Manufactured by Statiflo International Ltd.based in UNITED KINGDOM
Carbon Steel and stainless steel mixers with fixed or removable elements. A general purpose design suitable for all industries. Available with heating and cooling jackets, injectors, sample points and instrumentation ...
Manufactured by ROMILL s r.obased in CZECH REPUBLIC
There is virtually no manufacturing industry in the world where microwaves have not made their mark. They are either used as more efficient technologies to replace conventional heating or are acquired to achieve new processing ...
Manufactured by Sunfire GmbHbased in GERMANY
Sunfire’s high temperature, solid oxide cell electrolyzer is the superior electrolysis solution for industrial applications when steam is available. Running at 850 °C, our SOEC utilizes industrial off-heat to process water steam to hydrogen at highest conversion efficiencies. The electrolyzer follows a modular system design. One system ...
Manufactured by Bertsch Energy GmbH & Co KGbased in AUSTRIA
The waste heat from industrial processes offers significant savings potential in primary energy costs. Tailored BERTSCHenergy heat recovery boiler plants ensure optimum heat recovery and reduces the overall energy consumption. Depending on requirements, the recovered heat can be converted into electrical energy ...
Manufactured by Ebner Industrieofenbau GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
Heat treatment processes for the manufacture of aerospace materials and aluminum materials in the automotive industry need to be able to handle a wide range of alloys ...
Manufactured by Heliovis AGbased in AUSTRIA
In contrast to pricey glass-mirror based parabolic trough technologies, the inflatable HELIOtube is considerably less expensive. This is achieved through the HELIOtube’s highly durable, flexible, lightweight and recyclable plastic ...
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