Marine Boiler Equipment Supplied In Europe
Manufactured by BBS GmbHbased in GERMANY
BBS marine boilers constitute a special group within our product portfolio. These boilers are used onboard ships and on off-shore rigs. The design of these boilers is aligned with the restricted spatial conditions, vibrations and movements of ...
Manufactured by ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbHbased in GERMANY
Marine boilers have to cope with the various ship movements without losing operational performance. ERK marine boilers are ideal for such applications as the design is self-supporting and has a very stable water circulation. The natural water circulation minimises auxiliary power consumption. ...
Manufactured by SAACKE GmbHbased in GERMANY
The special spherical shape of the furnace top plate gives an increased stability against ship vibrations and protects this part of the boiler against partial overheating, because residues in the boiler water are led to the downcomer connections on the periphery of the drum before they can accumulate on the furnace top ...
Manufactured by SAACKE GmbHbased in GERMANY
The special spherical shape of the furnace top plate gives an increased stability against ship vibrations and protects this part of the boiler against partial overheating, because residues in the boiler water are led to the boiler bottom before they can accumulate on the furnace top ...
PremiumManufactured by Robert H. Wager Company, Inc.based in USA
The Wager explosion-resistant and dust-proof Viewports consist of a PYREX plate glass mounted to an aluminum frame and attached to the outer boiler casing. These Viewports may be used alone or in conjunction with the Wager Boiler Inspection Light. The Boiler Inspection Light and the Viewport have both been approved for installation aboard USN and ...
PremiumManufactured by Robert H. Wager Company, Inc.based in USA
The Wager Inspection Light and Viewport are designed to be used in conjunction with one another so that one may observe any fuel line leaks between inner and outer casings of water tube boilers or may see any leaks at hand hole plates on steam headers. The Wager explosion-proof and dust proof Inspection Lights consist of an explosion resistant globe which is inserted into the ...
Manufactured by Diko Electrical Equipment Co.based in TURKEY
Model : DEMK-M. Heating capacity options between 22,5KW – 800KW. Production at 208-220-380-400-415-440-460-480-600-690 V potential requirements. Stainless steel production depending on optional ...
Manufactured by Greens Combustion Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
The GreenBurn MB is a register style staged air forced draft burner matched to Greens range of Marine Boilers.. The burner features a low NOx design whilst maintaining a high degree of flexibility with regard to turn down, fuel selection and ...
Manufactured by Aerovit A/Sbased in DENMARK
The Aerovit soot blower is a system for keeping boilers clean with PLC/Timer controlled shock waves. The system operates on pure compressed air ensuring a continuous cleaning of biomass boilers, economizers, heat exchangers, marine boilers, catalyst elements etc. In a fraction of a second 450 liters of air under high pressure is ...
Manufactured by Hephaestus Groupbased in GREECE
Pitch of corrugation 151 mm. Depth of corrugation 55 mm. Go OR Not go ...
Manufactured by Hephaestus Groupbased in GREECE
Pitch of corrugation 200/151 mm. Depth of corrugation 75 mm. Go OR Not go Type. ...
Manufactured by Tecfluid S.Abased in SPAIN
Indicator/Transmitter for liquid level of simple construction, suitable for high pressure and temperature conditions. The level indication by magnetic transmission between the internal float magnet and the external indicator system ensures a complete sealing system with no possibility of leakage. Possibility of adjusting contact switches to the full scale. Excellent chemical and mechanical ...
Manufactured by Rapla Metall OÜbased in ESTONIA
Rapla Metall designs and manufactures container boiler houses with power from 0.3 MW to 3 MW. Containers are manufactured either using a sea container or a special container solution with sandwich panels developed by Rapla Metall. We usually use marine containers as a biofuel boiler house with a capacity of 0.3 – 0. 72 MW. ...
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