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Gamesa Medium Wind Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • based in SPAIN

    The key characteristics of the Gamesa 2.0-2.5 MW platform are its robustness, stellar reliability and suitability for all kinds of sites and wind conditions, from the most challenging locations to low and medium wind speed sites. Thanks to this performance, the platform's installed capacity stands at over 17,400 MW worldwide, while average fleet ...

  • based in SPAIN

    The key characteristics of the Gamesa 2.0-2.5 MW platform are its robustness, stellar reliability and suitability for all kinds of sites and wind conditions, from the most challenging locations to low and medium wind speed sites. Thanks to this performance, the platform's installed capacity stands at over 18,600 MW worldwide, while average fleet ...

  • based in SPAIN

    Multi-megawatt turbines from the Gamesa 2.0 MW platform improve competitive investment ratios per MW installed and Cost of Energy produced due to their versatile combination of a 2.0 MW unit power wind turbine and 5 different sized rotors: 80, 87, 90, 97 and 114 m diameters, to achieve maximun output in all types of settings and wind conditions. The Gamesa 2.0 MW ...

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