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Smartferm Natural Gas Compression Equipment & Supplies

2 equipment items found
  • based in USA

    Zero Waste Energy offers a high-solids, batch processing anaerobic digestion design for facilities starting as low as 5,000 TPY and up to 90,000 TPY of almost any organic material utilizing SMARTFERM proprietary technology. The batch processing is well suited for the production of biogas from stacked solid organic waste in a non-continuous process. Unlike other dry fermentation technologies, ...

  • based in USA

    Zero Waste Energy offers a high-solids, batch processing anaerobic digestion design for facilities starting as low as 5,000 TPY and up to 90,000 TPY of almost any organic material utilizing SMARTFERM proprietary technology. The batch processing is well suited for the production of biogas from stacked solid organic waste in a non-continuous process. Unlike other dry fermentation technologies, ...

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