CEBA Nox Burner Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by CEBA S.r.l.
    based in ITALY

    CEBA design a broad range of conventional burners, low NOx and ultra low-NOx process ...

  • Manufactured by CEBA S.r.l.
    based in ITALY

    Machines are designed as a stand alone systems for the preheating and/or drying of all kind of ladles. Proprietary design low NOx burners guarantee an excellent homogeneity of temperature distribution inside the ladle. Machine can work with several types of fuels (natural gas, LPG, diesel, light and heavy oil, coke oven gas, BOF and mixed gas with calorific value ...

  • Manufactured by CEBA S.r.l.
    based in ITALY

    Bath heaters are designed for heating a process liquid and gases indirectly through a process coil submerged into a bath solution heated by a fi re tube style burner. Indirect fired heaters are used in order to prevent the formation of ice crystals and hydrates occurring during expansion of the Natural Gas for the Joule-Thompson effect but they are also used for instance to ...

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