Power Plant Boiler Equipment Supplied In India
Manufactured by Dirk European Holdings LTDbased in UNITED KINGDOM
The Problem: A cenosphere is a lightweight, inert, hollow sphere made largely of silica and alumina and filled with air or inert gas, typically produced as a byproduct of coal combustion at thermal power plants. On average 0.5% of the fly ash generated in a coal fired power station boiler are Cenospheres. When fly ash is wet ...
Manufactured by Asia Coal Catalyst Companybased in USA
PC-88 can be used in any boiler burning fuel oil including public utility boilers, industrial power and heating plant boilers, and marine boilers. It is added directly to fuel oil, at a rate of 1 gallon to 4,000-8,000 gallons of heavy fuel oil. It contains no product that is in any way harmful ...
Manufactured by Asia Coal Catalyst Companybased in USA
It is a liquid heavy oil additive made using a proprietary blend of organic compounds of chromium, cobalt, aluminum and iron dissolved in a petroleum base solvent. It minimizes the formation of SO3 (which causes corrosion of the boiler and slagging.) HO-88 increases the rate of combustion: oil is burned much more completely rather than remaining as slag on the furnace walls. ...
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