Renewable Natural Gas Equipment Supplied In Canada

13 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Greenfield Global Inc.
    based in USA

    When organic waste is sent to landfill, it decomposes and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Anaerobic digestion is a process that converts organic waste under controlled conditions into bio-methane, which can be purified to become renewable natural gas. Greenfield works closely with partners, suppliers, and ...

  • Landfill Gas Application: For landfill gas applications enclosed flame flare have been required for years for the destruction of landfill gas emissions. As more and more landfill gas is valorized through the production of electricity or the production of renewable natural gas ...

  • based in FRANCE

    MemGas upgrades raw biogas to renewable natural gas for pipeline injection with more than 99% methane recovery. This provides a reliable revenue source. *Trademark of Veolia; may be registered in one or more ...

  • based in CANADA

    CharTech Solutions’ proprietary High Temperature Pyrolysis (HTP) technology transforms challenging organic waste streams (biomass, biosolids, digestate) into three renewable and valuable outputs by heating the materials at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. The HTP process converts a portion of the organic feedstock into a high-calorific value and hydrogen-rich ...

  • based in CANADA

    Many landfill gas projects under perform or fail because of a lack of knowledge of how to maximize the landfill gas flow to produce a sufficient quantity and quality to insure the success of a ...

  • based in CANADA

    Ekona’s decarbonization solution uses established energy infrastructure and leverages existing commercial technologies. ...

  • Manufactured by Anaergia Inc.
    based in CANADA

    Optimize Your Anaerobic Digestion. Triple digestion capacity by retrofitting existing digesters. Triple Your Anaerobic Digestion Capacity Without New Digesters. Omnivore is our advanced high-solids approach to anaerobic digestion. Our proprietary mixing system together with our robust thickening technology increase the solids ratio in digesters so that far more material can be digested in the ...

  • Manufactured by Anaergia Inc.
    based in CANADA

    Anaergia has a long history of developing superior technologies for the anaerobic digestion of agriculture feedstocks—in fact, this was our original business. Over the years, we’ve provided our technologies to over 1,000 agricultural waste anaerobic digestion projects that treat a broad variety of agricultural, animal, and high-strength wastewater ...

  • Biogas is a renewable source of methane gas, created when organic matter breaks down in an oxygen-free environment. This biological process is referred to as Anaerobic Digestion (AD). The main component of biogas is methane, also the key component of natural gas. ...

  • based in CANADA

    Since 2009, Responsible Energy has been developing an advanced thermal waste destruction solution that creates a hydrogen rich synthesis gas (syngas) from a vast variety of both liquid and solid wastes. Feedstock examples are Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Biomass, Biosolids, Post Recycled Plastics, Pet Coke, Liquid Wastes, and environmentally unfriendly waste streams from ...

  • Manufactured by Greenlane Renewables
    based in CANADA

    Greenlane's Biogas Upgrading Plants are Marketed and Sold Under the Greenlane Biogas Brand. Converting biogas to high purity biomethane isn’t quite as simple as one solution fits all. Every biogas upgrading project requires its own unique solution, depending on the feedstock of the raw biogas and its composition and levels of impurities; the size of the project (in terms of biogas flow ...

  • Manufactured by Anaergia Inc.
    based in CANADA

    Optimize Your Approach to Biogas Utilization. Stop flaring your biogas. Anaergia offers a full suite of technologies for biogas utilization at wastewater treatment plants, to help you optimize your biogas as a resource. Our solutions include advanced anaerobic digestion, biogas conditioning and upgrading, heat recovery systems, and CHP (combined heat and power). In many cases, a biogas ...

  • Manufactured by Cleaver-Brooks
    based in USA

    The CBCW is the newest addition to the Cleaver-Brooks IWT family. Designed with a 100% membrane water-cooled furnace, this boiler system includes a high-efficiency boiler and burner, heat recovery economizer, advanced control system, and complete exhaust stack, ducting and platforms. All available at shortened lead times and includes comprehensive technical documentation. ...

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