Solid Fuel Firing Equipment Supplied In Asia & Middle East
Manufactured by Rakhoh Industries Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
Its a package and compact unit. Specially designed combustion system (CAC). Higher water hold up and steam space for better load response. Efficient moisture separator for higher steam ...
Manufactured by Sitong Boilerbased in CHINA
Solid fuel fired chain grate boiler is single drum water tube and fire tube boiler, combustion equipment is chain grate. Water wall tubes at left and right sides of furnace are the radiated heating area. the two wings at furnace and screw fire tube in the drum are convection heating area. ...
Manufactured by Brijmech Engineering Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
Brijmech offers standard Thermic Fluid Heaters, custom engineered Thermic Fluid Heaters, complete Thermic Fluid systems and a full range of parts and support for industrial heating ...
Manufactured by Bidragon Machinery Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
Reliable and safety: The boiler heating area adopts argon gas welding, and before boiler departure factory is has been done X-ray inspection, water pressure test, ...
Manufactured by Ross Boilersbased in INDIA
Industries requiring high temp heating, where agro-waste or other conventional solid fuels are available, our DELTA series thermal oil heaters form a low operating cost option to the customer. DELTA series TF Heaters are manufactured in capacity range of 100,000 to 40,000,000 kcal/hr. Smaller range of DELTA 100 to 600 is 3-pass compact, vertical design, in which ...
Manufactured by Ross Boilersbased in INDIA
Rising liquid fuel prices have led to the demand for solid fuel fired boilers. We have developed the Sigma series of horizontal smoke tube boilers in capacities starting from 1,00,000Kcas/hr to 30100000Kcols/hr. The Sigma units are normally designed for high water flows, with very less pressure drop on the water side. ...
Manufactured by Shanti Boilers & Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
Keeping the ever increasing fuel cost , Shanti’s Internal Furance Packaged Skid mounted Solid Fuel fired Steam Boilers are optimally designed to give maximum operational efficiency to our Boiler users . These boilers are are smoke tube , three pass , multi tubular wet back in design for achiving maximum operational ...
Manufactured by Shanti Boilers & Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
Shanti Solid Flame Boilers are three pass wet back, packaged internal furnace type manual fired Boiler which can be fired on solid fuels like Wood / Wood Waste / Coconut shells , Bio mass briquettes . Shanti Boilers offers Internal Furance Packaged Skid mounted Solid Fuel ...
Manufactured by Shanti Boilers & Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
The Boiler is designed to have flexibility of firing fuel either manually or automatically or both . It ideally suits larger fuels like Wood Logs / Coal / Baggage which can be fired manually and the other lighter Fuels like Husk/Saw Dust automatically with the help of screw feeding system. ...
Manufactured by Thermax Limitedbased in INDIA
Thermax offers thermal oil/thermic fluid heaters, fired by a wide range of fuels. Our heaters are available in both solid fuel firing as well as oil/gas firing versions so that you get the advantage of economically available fuels. Thermal Oil Heaters range from 0.1 million ...
Manufactured by Ross Boilersbased in INDIA
The RM series combines the benefits of a watertube furnace along with a multipass firetube steaming chamber. This results into higher heat transfer area , hence increasing efficiency as compared to conventional solid fuel fired steam boilers. High efficiency is achieved by properly utilizing the fuels radiant heat in the water ...
Manufactured by Thermax Limitedbased in INDIA
Thermax's bubbling type AFBC boiler offers efficient, cost-effective and reliable steam generation and is a viable alternative to conventional solid fuel-fired boilers for industrial applications. With over 265 installations across the world, the boiler offers benefits like fuel flexibility, high efficiency, low emissions, and ...
Manufactured by Prime Thermals Pvt Limitedbased in INDIA
PRIMAX – CI Auto Controlled Solid-Fuel Fired Boilers is a conventional 3 pass smoke-tube design, designed for the combustion of coal and wood in an internal furnace and is therefore sometimes known as coal/wood fired Steam Boiler.we Internal Furnace Coal & Wood Fired Boilers India, Nigeria and ...
Manufactured by Brijmech Engineering Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
We design, manufacture and supply custom built Heat Transfer Equipments and system designed by our expert engineers team having 30 years of experience for specific need of customer either for process or energy ...
Manufactured by VYNCKEbased in BELGIUM
Over the course of more than 100 years VYNCKE has acquired a lot of expertise in converting biomass and other solids to energy. With more than 4000 references worldwide, VYNCKE installations provide energy from hot water heaters, steam boilers, thermal oil heaters, multimedia plants (hot gas, thermal oil, steam, power generation in one system) and combined heat and power ...
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