Solid Fuel Firing Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by Ross Boilersbased in INDIA
The RM series combines the benefits of a watertube furnace along with a multipass firetube steaming chamber. This results into higher heat transfer area , hence increasing efficiency as compared to conventional solid fuel fired steam boilers. High efficiency is achieved by properly utilizing the fuels radiant heat in the water ...
Distributed by George K. Moss Co., Inc.based in USA
The Moss PLC solid fuel fired boiler control panel uses the latest technology and software that allows you to operate your boiler around the clock safely with minimum supervision. This system is at the heart of our new solid fuel boiler systems or retrofits, which makes old boiler systems operate like new. ...
Manufactured by Thermax Limitedbased in INDIA
Thermax's bubbling type AFBC boiler offers efficient, cost-effective and reliable steam generation and is a viable alternative to conventional solid fuel-fired boilers for industrial applications. With over 265 installations across the world, the boiler offers benefits like fuel flexibility, high efficiency, low emissions, and ...
Manufactured by INTEC Engineering GmbHbased in GERMANY
Heat recovery is an effective way to improve the efficiency of the plant and reduce operating costs. In order to recover the heat contained in the waste gas coming from solid fuel firing systems, combustion engines, gas turbines, or other industrial processes, INTEC offers you first-class, tailor-made solutions for a wide variety of applications: ...
Manufactured by Prime Thermals Pvt Limitedbased in INDIA
PRIMAX – CI Auto Controlled Solid-Fuel Fired Boilers is a conventional 3 pass smoke-tube design, designed for the combustion of coal and wood in an internal furnace and is therefore sometimes known as coal/wood fired Steam Boiler.we Internal Furnace Coal & Wood Fired Boilers India, Nigeria and ...
Distributed by George K. Moss Co., Inc.based in USA
/hr. (7,246 HP). These solid fuel fired boilers are installed with the correct gasifier based combustion system to meet your process energy and regulatory requirements. Boilers are designed to meet AP 42, BACT or MACT Federal emission ...
Manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox Vølund ABbased in SWEDEN
Chanute has provided superheater, reheater and economizer elements for nearly every size and type of fossil fuel fired steam generator. From single in-kind elements to completely reengineered assemblies, Chanute has the capability and experience that utilities expect. Elements are routinely manufactured with tube shielding or weld overlay in the soot blower ...
Manufactured by Brijmech Engineering Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
We design, manufacture and supply custom built Heat Transfer Equipments and system designed by our expert engineers team having 30 years of experience for specific need of customer either for process or energy ...
Manufactured by FCT Combustionbased in USA
FCT’s flagship solid fuel kiln burner, customizable for maximum fuel flexibility while delivering high performance, backed up by years of CFD modeling development and operational ...
Manufactured by SteEnova GmbHbased in GERMANY
Only gasification allows to convert solid biomass to reach high efficiency in combined heat and power generation in the decentralized sector. Due to this Seenova has developed an fluidized bed gasifier which was optimized and tested and ready for market ...
Manufactured by VYNCKEbased in BELGIUM
Over the course of more than 100 years VYNCKE has acquired a lot of expertise in converting biomass and other solids to energy. With more than 4000 references worldwide, VYNCKE installations provide energy from hot water heaters, steam boilers, thermal oil heaters, multimedia plants (hot gas, thermal oil, steam, power generation in one system) and combined heat and power ...
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