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Steam Generation Equipment & Supplies

2 equipment items found
  • based in USA

    The typical GG1200 consists of a pipe in pipe design with no moving parts made of high quality heat and corrosion resistant alloys. At the heart of the GG1200 lies a 12" diameter platelet stack with its associated water, oxidizer, and fuel feeder system designed for the specific fuel qualities targeted in your project. The quench injector system consists of 12" sections typically spanning up to ...

  • based in USA

    The typical GG400 consists of a pipe in pipe design with no moving parts made of high quality heat and corrosion resistant alloys. At the heart of the GG400 lies a 4" diameter platelet stack with its associated water, oxidizer, and fuel feeder system designed for the specific fuel qualities targeted in your project. The quench injector system consists of 12" sections typically spanning up to 6.5' ...

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