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Tidal Power Equipment & Supplies

17 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by SIMEC Atlantis Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The AR1500 is a Lockheed Martin designed, 1.5MW horizontal axis turbine complete with active pitch and yaw capability. The nacelle weighs approximately 150 tonnes in air and has a design life of 25 years. The rotor diameter is 18 meters and all key operational systems have triple redundancy built in to maximise reliability offshore. ...

  • Replace sluce gate, support seals, and idler sheaves for in service Tidal Generator. Annapolis Tidal Power operates the worlds first commercial Tidal power electric generating station which has been in service since 1984. Upgrades to structural components and hoisting systems and ...

  • Manufactured by Tidal Electric Inc.
    based in USA

    Offshore tidal power generation (“tidal lagoons”) is a new approach to tidal power conversion that resolves the environmental and economic problems of the familiar “tidal barrage” technology. Tidal lagoons use a rubble mound impoundment structure and ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    21st century Tidal Lagoon utilising zero energy Venturo Pumps and Solar arrays for affordable and sustainable low-carbon energy generation. Current tidal lagoon designs capture energy directly from the tidal range via the lagoon’s turbine housing, limiting power generation windows to incoming and outgoing ...

  • Manufactured by Tocardo B.V.
    based in NETHERLANDS

    By generating energy in a predictable and cost effective way the T-2 is a medium sized tidal turbine suitable for various locations, with power outputs ranging from 100 kW to 250 ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The SR2000 2MW is the largest and most powerful tidal turbine in the world. It has been designed to minimise the whole lifecycle cost of electricity production from tidal energy. Designed to DNV (Det Norske Veritas) standards with a 20 year design life, it incorporates components with proven reliability from the wind, gas and oil industries. ...

  • Manufactured by Kepler Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    There are three key technologies for extracting energy from tidal streams: ‘Conventional’ horizontal axis turbines; Dynamic Tidal Power (DTP), which is being developed by the leading Hydrology Institutes in China in conjunction with a Dutch consortium; and tidal fences, for which the patented Kepler turbine is the ...

  • Manufactured by SIMEC Atlantis Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Intermittency is a problem for wind, wave and solar power as the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. These sources of renewable energy often require backup from traditional forms of power generation. However, the inherent predictability of tidal power is highly attractive for grid management, ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    SR250 250 kW, the world’s first large scale floating tidal turbine. The design incorporated all the learning achieved during development to date. The 35m turbine was constructed at Harland & Wolff Shipyards, Belfast and launched in early 2011 at the European Marine Energy Centre, Orkney. ...

  • based in FRANCE

    Developed by Guinard Energies, this regulation and conversion converter, coupled with a Poseide 66 tidal turbine, makes it possible to get the most out of the potential of your tidal turbine and to manage energy fluences. Capable of hosting an auxiliary production source ( photovoltaic, small wind turbines) as well as a battery storage facility, the C66 ...

  • Manufactured by Verdant Power, Inc.
    based in USA

    Verdant Power’s Tidal Turbine System is a turnkey water-to-wire system utilizing horizontal-axis turbines to convert the kinetic energy of fast-moving (> 1.0 m/s) water currents into clean renewable electricity. Multiple turbines are deployed on mounts in a field array fully underwater and not visible from the ...

  • Manufactured by Tuapeka Turbines
    based in NEW ZEALAND

    There is a need in developing countries for a simple inexpensive means of harnessing the seasonal low head energy flow of rivers. The linear turbine which consists of a cascade of vanes moving in a horizontal loop across the river flow, is ideally suited to this application since, due to low flow loadings and simple design, it can be constructed from locally available material and by local ...

  • Manufactured by HydroQuest SAS
    based in FRANCE

    The aim: install marine current turbine fields all around the world using HydroQuest ...

  • Manufactured by SIMEC Atlantis Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Tidal turbines are very much like underwater windmills except the rotors are driven by consistent, fast-moving currents. The submerged rotors harness the power of the marine currents to drive generators, which in turn produce electricity. ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    Ocean energy is a renewable energy source, in which electricity can be generated from tidal streams, waves or differences in salinity. Over 70 per cent of the Earth is covered by water. The ocean is subject to the impact of wind, tides and ocean currents and thus carries with it large quantities of energy. This means that the 'fuel' is inexhaustible and free. ...

  • Manufactured by S&C Electric Company
    based in USA

    PureWave DSTATCOM is a fast-compensating reactive power source that can reduce voltage variations and voltage instability in the transmission system, and can assist in quick recovery after contingency events. S&C’s PureWave DSTATCOM Distributed Static Compensator is a fast-compensating reactive power source that’s applied on the transmission or ...

  • Manufactured by Tenmat ltd
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    FEROFORM T814 is a composite material made from woven fibre bonded with resin with PTFE as a friction ...

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