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Wood Combustion Equipment & Supplies

45 equipment items found
  • Distributed by Trädgårdsteknik AB
    based in SWEDEN

    Greenpower-Heating for wood. (Combustion for pellets can be attached, depending on type of connected model.) Each model is manufactured in stainless steel and equipped with a great combustion chamber. The fan is connected to a rotating exhaust which is attachable to a channel connection. ...

  • Manufactured by Thermostahl Srl
    based in ROMANIA

    ECOTWIN is a combined unit for combustion of wood manually and pellet with an automatic pellet burner. The boiler lower door is equipped with a mounting flange for installing a pellet burner, as well as an air door actioned by a chain thermostat regulator for wood ...

  • Distributed by Wood Energy Ltd.
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Lambda sensor with fuel-quality detection. Fully refractory-lined high performance combustion chamber. Fully automatic heat exchanger cleaning system. Fully automatic ash extraction system. Best ease of use through SMS module. Extended warranty. Superb Factory-Service for Hargassner customers. Option: Wood log ...

  • Manufactured by Olymp Werk GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    Pellets are standardized, cylindrical rolls made from natural wood residues. The production takes place without binders and additives and only requires 1% of the amount of energy contained in the fuel. As with wood, combustion is CO2-neutral and therefore also makes an important contribution to climate protection. ...

  • Manufactured by Rafako S.A
    based in POLAND

    RAFAKO S.A. offers various systems for biomass combustion (wood chips, forest biomass and agro) based on furnaces: stocker boiler, fluidised bed, ...

  • Manufactured by CCI Breiding GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    NOZZLES FOR FLUIDIZED BED COMBUSTION. Wood, coal, petrol coke, animal meal, sewage sludge or (industrial) waste – the fuels are as diverse as the nozzles in use. The hostile environmental conditions embed special requirements concerning the nozzles composition and material. ...

  • Manufactured by JSC Stropuva ir ko
    based in LITHUANIA

    When the firewood is loaded, a single load burns up to about 30 hours. A single load of sawdust briquettes burns up to 4 days. Solid fuel: firewood, timber waste, sawdust briquettes, wood chips. Combustion duration of solid fuel load depends on its quality of fuel, outdoor and indoor temperature, thermal resistance, and other factors. Recommended moisture ...

  • Manufactured by Biodom 27 d.o.o.
    based in SLOVENIA

    The Biodom C15 is a system of complete combustion of wood biomass, including an automatic ignition and pellet feed. BioLogic technology represents a step towards higher efficiency and fuel cost savings, while at the same time it protects the environment with low ...

  • Manufactured by JSC Stropuva ir ko
    based in LITHUANIA

    When the firewood is loaded, a single load burns up to about 30 hours. A single load of sawdust briquettes burns up to 4 days. Solid fuel: firewood, timber waste, sawdust briquettes, wood chips. Combustion duration of solid fuel load depends on its quality of fuel, outdoor and indoor temperature, thermal resistance, and other factors. Recommended moisture ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Biomass Firing Systems for Very Demanding Combustibles. The combustible material wood is becoming more valuable by the day, and therefore more expensive. Associated materials like sand and other biomass impurities lead to slagging and disruptions in the combustion chamber of biomass heating systems, especially in combined heat ...

  • Manufactured by JSC Stropuva ir ko
    based in LITHUANIA

    A single load of pellets burns up to 96 hours. Solid fuel: firewood, timber waste, sawdust briquettes, pellets and wood chips. Combustion duration of solid fuel load depends on its quality of fuel, outdoor and indoor temperature, thermal resistance, and other factors. Recommended moisture ...

  • Manufactured by JSC Stropuva ir ko
    based in LITHUANIA

    A single load of pellets burns up to 96 hours. Solid fuel: firewood, timber waste, sawdust briquettes, pellets and wood chips, Combustion duration of solid fuel load depends on its quality of fuel, outdoor and indoor temperature, thermal resistance, and other factors. Recommended moisture ...

  • Manufactured by Mawera
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Uses: Combustion of Wood Chips, Residual Lumber, bark, wood from the landscape and draw ...

  • Manufactured by ITI Engineering
    based in ITALY

    For fine size wood waste, suspended combustion systems have been developed, commonly and improperly called "burners". These combustion units are often present in our plants, since in the wood-based panels (industrial sector where we have been involved in technological development), the finishing process is constantly present, ...

  • Manufactured by Watson Research
    based in USA

    By combining this pre-heated air with the volitile wood gas, spontaneous combustion ensues. Temperatures exceeding 2000 degrees F are reached in the lower chamber, resulting in nearly complete combustion. These high temperatures in the lower burn chamber heat the refractory material around the nozzle and throughout the boiler providing a ...

  • Manufactured by OP Erjo AB
    based in SWEDEN

    The LiPRO Biofuel regasification plant converts wood chips into a combustible synthesis gas through a thermochemical reaction in a multi-stage gasification process. The synthesis gas is in turn converted into thermal energy and mechanical energy in an internal combustion engine. The thermal energy becomes local heat, and the mechanical energy ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The plants are designed based upon the heat requirements of supplied company. Our client’s individual needs determine the used technology. Wood chips from fresh wood or waste wood from wood processing companies are combusted in a special biomass boiler. Depending on the requirements, heat, hot water, steam ...

  • based in ITALY

    PELLET SOLUTION: Cast iron burner with mechanical firebox feeding; Variable speed screew for automatic feeding; Hopper for pellet loading; Primary and secondary combustion air system; Rotary valve to avoid smokes return into the hopper. WOOD SOLUTION: Reverse flame combustion; Combustion air fan for wood logs ...

  • Manufactured by Atmos
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    Non-gasification boilers are meant for burning wood on basic principle of burning without suction fan. The body of the boiler is made of sheet plates 6 – 3mm thickness. It´s feeding chamber is in the inner lower part equiped by moving grate with holes for primary air inlet and for easier ash removing. ...

  • Manufactured by ATK Equipment
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Where recycling is not an option waste can be incinerated in a cost effective and clean fashion using the Trashx Incinerator. Furthermore the heat generated can be used to heat factory buildings by simply adding a hot air recovery unit. The Trashx Incinerator is available in a variety of sizes to suit most ...

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