KPA Unicon Group Oy

KPA Unicon Group Oy

- Model Biograte Combustion - High-Moisture Content Solid Fuel Boiler



Biograte offers the highest combustion efficiency available in its class. It can burn fuels that have a very high-moisture content, even up to 65 m-%. Biograte has a wider load range – flexibility that’s designed for handling minimum or varied loads efficiently – and it delivers up to 25 MW max/boiler.  It greatly minimizes unburned char in ashes and produces remarkably low flue gas emissions.

About Us

Biograte offers the highest combustion efficiency available in its class. It can burn fuels that have a very high-moisture content, even up to 65 m-%. Biograte has a wider load range – flexibility that’s designed for handling minimum or varied loads efficiently – and it delivers up to 25 MW max/boiler.  It greatly minimizes unburned char in ashes and produces remarkably low flue gas emissions. That means it’s better for people and the planet.

Biograte hot water boiler plants are most commonly utilized to provide heating for entire districts. But they can also provide energy for industrial processes in places like sawmills. KPA Unicon also designs and installs Biograte steam boiler plants that also convert biomass to energy which can be used for steam production in power production and a variety of process industries, including the food industry.

Like all KPA Unicon boiler plant products, the customer’s needs and fuel source will dictate the appropriate solution. And because Biograte plants are designed to operate independently or side-by-side, we are able to easily achieve the customer’s ideal capacity needs. Typical fuels include bark, sawdust, wood chips, peat, forest residues, pellet, briquettes, agro fuels and landscape residues. Also some share of SRF and RDF can be utilized case by case.

KPA Unicon has decades of design and installation experience, so you can be sure you’re getting the best solution for your specific needs at the best value. We are experts in combustion technology and local fuel utilization, and we have a reputation for making energy cheaper for companies and communities around the world. We don’t just have your back, we’ve got your bottom line covered too.

Whether it’s for heating entire districts, improving the sustainability of a town’s sawmill, or to power industrial processes, utilizing local fuels is better for local communities and for the people that call them home. Especially because it protects our natural resources, minimizes waste and our dependence on fossil fuels, and creates good energy out of biomass that would otherwise be sitting in a landfill, taking up valuable space and causing more negative health impacts. That’s the power of the circular economy. And we’re proud to do our part to make it go round.

Highlights / Key Features

  • Utilization of very wet fuels
  • Highly efficient combustion technology with low flue gas emissions
  • Flexible 10-15% minimum-load capability with automated operation
  • Minimizes unburned char in ashes

Biograte combustion technology

Biograte is a rotating grate with a conical primary combustion chamber, and its fuel input ranges from 4 to 25 MW / boiler. The fuel is fed from underneath to the center of the grate. It is dried in gate middle of the grate by the heat that radiates from the refractory lining brick and the flames without disturbing the burning fuel bed in the combustion zone. After the complete combustion of the residual carbon, the ash falls from the edge of the grate to the ash space filled with quenching water.

Power Plants

Our boiler island solutions for power plants to produce electricity in the range of 2,5 MWe to 15 MWe. The optimal steam production capacity and steam parameters are optimized for each project.

Our boiler island solutions are designed for sustainable energy generation, focusing on flexible utilization of local renewable fuels as well as innovative technologies and lifetime services. Our solutions are high modularized and prefabricated which makes the transportation all over the world easy and the installation time at the site is short.

Typical delivery for boiler island is a turnkey delivery to customer´s foundations, including fuel feeding and fuel handling systems, combustion technology, boiler, flue gas cleaning and additional equipment.

Typical delivery for boiler island is a turnkey delivery to customer´s foundations, including:

  • fuel feeding and fuel handling systems
  • combustion technology
  • boiler
  • flue gas cleaning
  • additional equipment.

The right kind of combustion technology and fuel feeding play important roles in the efficient operation of the plant. Our technologies allows very wide range of different fuels for example wood chips, peat, sawdust, forest residues, landscape residues, bark and also agro fuels and waste as secondary fuel. The moisture content of the fuel can be up to 65% because of the combustion technology which is designed to utilize wet biomass fuels.

We develop our technologies to utilize new types of biomass fuels, such as recycling wood and industry by-products.

The scope of supply and terms of delivery are negotiable according to customer’s need. The scope of supply is very flexible, it can be anything between FCA (Free Carrier) to full turnkey delivery.

Technical Data & Information


  • Boiler: Water boiler
  • Boiler size: 4-25 MWth
  • Boiler efficiency: up to 91%
  • Max pressure: 16 bar
  • Max temperature: 180 °C
  • Fuel: Wood chips, bark, sawdust, forest residues, peat, agrofuels


  • Boiler: Steam boiler
  • Boiler size: 4 - 25 MWth
  • Boiler efficiency: up to 91%
  • Max Pressure: 95 bar
  • Max temperature: 525 °C
  • Fuel: Wood chips, bark, sawdust, forest residues, peat, agrofuels

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