Kramble Industries Inc.

Kramble Industries Inc.

- Auger Electric Mover



This powerful electric drive system will move your stick auger or conveyor by remote control.  Easy to install kit provides a receiver and transmitter and two powerful drive motors, one for each main wheel of the auger. This kit works on any make of auger. Just let us know the size and shape of the axle so we can include the correct adapter plate.  Accessories available include; 6000lb Electric Winch for raising and lowering the main tube and a circuit to operate LED Lights or an electric clutch. All accessories can be operated by the remote.

Product Details

The Kramble Electric Auger Mover is becoming popular for unloading hopper bottom bins and also for augers on pivots to serve multiple bins or a dryer system.

It also provides a mover option for augers with an electric main drive. Just install a satelllite battery and get our 110/220 V waterproof charger to pull power from your main line power.


  • Powerful Electric Drive
    • Goes over obstacles
    • Holds auger securely in position
  • No need to start motor
  • No messy hydraulics
  • Works great in cold weather
  • 300 ft range remote control
    • Move your auger from where you can see the bin hatch

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