Leadsun Australia

Leadsun Australia

- Model AE3 - All-in-One Solar Lighting System



Introducing the new AE3 series which retains the ‘All In One’ features of the AE2 range but on a larger scale, the new 55W and 80W sized solar engines are a cost effective and versatile solution for medium sized applications. It’s available in a traditional ‘All In One’ design as well as a swivel type system where the solar panel and light head can be adjusted to it’s optimised position to provide greater lighting distribution.

Products Details

Introducing Leadsun’s latest AE3 series retains the ‘All-In-One’ features of the AE2 range but on a more powerful and larger scale, it features a highly efficient 55W and 80W solar engine with PWM Controller along with a powerful lighting capacity to suit. The ‘All-In-One’ design principles makes the AE3 series a cost-effective and versatile lighting system for medium sized applications. Its available in a traditional ‘All-In-One’ design as well as a ‘Swivel’ version where the light head can be vertically tilted to its optimised position to provide greater lighting distribution without a separate light head.

The AE3 range features the latest in PWM technology ensuring maximum efficiency and electrical conversion from the limitless power of the sun directly to the powerful and compact Lithium Iron battery system, additionally the system features optional wireless technology for remote access.  Built-in motion sensor called ‘Smart Eye’ automatically regulates the light output brightness upon detection of movement preserves battery energy.


  • Underpass Walkways
  • Public Toilets
  • Laneways
  • Portable Buildings
  • Covered Walkways
  • Bus Shelters
  • Pavillions


  • LED LIGHT 10w 30w
  • SOLAR PANEL 55w 80w
  • BATTERY 18Ah 27Ah
  • WARRANTY  5 yrs  5 yrs

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