LiPRO Energy GmbH & Co. KG

LiPRO Energy GmbH & Co. KG

- Model HKW50 and HKW50+ - Wood-fired Cogeneration Plant (CHP)


The LiPRO wood-fired cogeneration plant (CHP) is a biomass CHP plant. An innovative conversion plant, which is powered by renewable energy. The wood cogeneration plant aims to convert woody biomass into electrical and thermal energy. The biomass used is transformed into fuel gas within a multi-stage thermochemical process of the LiPRO wood gas plant. The resulting synthesis gas is then converted into mechanical and thermal energy by the LiPRO combined heat and power plant (CHP), with the mechanical energy being further refined into electrical energy by a generator. The energy supply thereby corresponds to combined heat and power.


HKW50 | Gas suction engine
53kW electrical power (net 50kW)
97kW thermal output
0.7-0.8 kg (absolutely dry) per kWh(electric) Fuel consumption*
Wood gas CHP with industrial suction engine

HKW50+ | Gas turbocharger engine
53kW+ electrical power (net 50kW+)
97kW thermal output
0.7-0.8 kg (absolutely dry) per kWh(electric) Fuel consumption*
Wood gas CHP with industrial turbo engine
high requirements for low emissions possible with a 3-way catalyst


  • high consistent wood gas quality when using inferior wood chips, thanks to the multi-stage gasification process, no wet scrubbing is required
  • high availability over 8,000h per year
  • maintenance-friendly design
  • fully automatic operation
  • use of inferior wood chips from landscape maintenance and crown residue wood
  • use of A1 wood, industry packaging wood
  • ash post-combustion of the filter ash in the reactor only contains 0.5-1.5% ash
  • Automatic discharge of ash grate and also of contaminants such as stones or metals in permitted chip size


LiPRO wood gas plant has a unique multi-stage gasification process

The LiPRO cogeneration plant is the first marketable wood gasification plant with a multi-stage gasification process. In this process, the individual stages are separated from each other in terms of process technology to be able to influence the process-specific conditions in a targeted manner. This technical separation allows the variety of fuels to be significantly expanded. This ensures stable process control, which has many advantages. In particular, a tar-free gas can be obtained, from which electrical and thermal energy is made available via the CHP unit.

Advantages of Innovation

  • After pyrolysis has been completed, the complex hydrocarbon molecules within the pyrolysis gas are cracked through oxidation at around 1050 °C, while the pyrolysis coal is passed directly to the reduction stage. The separate oxidation process ensures that no tar compounds enter the product gas. This enables it to be used in an internal combustion engine without the need for complex gas purification.
  • An additional grate design enables the discharge of foreign matter such as stones or nails.
  • A further separate reduction enables constant temperature control at a low level, which significantly reduces the formation of glass ash and thus ensures high operational reliability.

Areas of Application

  • Agriculture and forestry enterprises
  • Industrial Areas
  • Hotel and restaurant enterprises
  • District heating grid operators to supply several buildings
  • Residential areas
  • Public buildings
  • Sports and swimming facilities

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