LiTHIUM BALANCE - Model n3-BMS - Advanced Battery Management System
The n3-BMS is an advanced Battery Management System, certified under ISO-26262, designed specifically for heavy vehicles like trucks and buses. This versatile system is cell chemistry agnostic and is loaded with next-generation features that address critical safety and performance challenges in high-voltage applications. One major advantage is its off-the-shelf availability, which drastically cuts market entry time by bypassing the lengthy development and certification processes typical of such solutions. It utilizes a dual-core lockstep CPU and an ASIL C compliant ASIC to deliver high measurement accuracy. The system is designed with a unique software architecture, separating the safety-related features into a Base Software Layer and other functionalities into an Application Software Layer. This allows users to customize key battery management parameters without compromising the existing ISO-26262 certification. Additionally, it supports flexible CMU channels ranging from 6 to 12 and can handle up to 1000V and 2000A, all while maintaining a compact form factor.
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