Litostroj Power

Litostroj Power

- Pit and Bulb Turbines



Design principle and range of use:Pit and Bulb turbines are horizontal axial flow units equipped with a regulated Kaplan runner. These turbines are typically used at low heads (1,5 m to 25 m) and high discharges. The double regulation design allows wide operating range covering various heads and discharges.

Product Details

General description & our setup

Pit and Bulb units are axial flow machines where the shaft, bearings, generator, brakes and other main unit equipment are all submerged within a sealed casing. This sealed casing can be either completely closed and submerged forming a typical bulb turbine, or the sealed casing can be extended upwards, forming a typical pit turbine.

Litostroj Power has a long history in design and supply of the tubular turbines worldwide in various setup options.

Pit configuration is typically used for smaller discharges and output powers. In most cases it is equipped with a speed increaser (gearbox), which allows the use of a smaller and more cost effective generator.

In the history of the Litostroj Power we have supplied or upgraded more than 20 Pit and Bulb units, which in total produce more than 260 MW of installed power.

Special solutions

LitoBulb is a small, compact design horizontal or inclined-shaft bulb unit, which is supplied pre-assembled to a large degree. Due to its compact design and factory preassembled parts the LitoBulb units have the benefits of simple and short site assembly.

Bulb units with inclined shaft - Depending on the site conditions, bulb units can be supplied with an inclined shaft, which reduces the overall unit length, depth of excavation on the intake side and consequently the cost of excavation works. Litostroj Power has already applied such solutions both on new installation and refurbishment projects.


  • Bulb units
  • Pit units

Main features

  • Heads from 1,5 m up to 25 m
  • Wide range of discharges
  • Outputs up to 50 MW
  • Runner diameters up to 9,3 m
  • Wide range of nominal rotational speeds

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