Entratech Systems LLC

Entratech Systems LLC

Low Coolant Sensors (LCS)


Thousands of Entratech Low Coolant Sensors are protecting gas and diesel engines around the world. Entratech designs and manufactures a line of high-quality sensors that have withstood the test of time. Low coolent picThere is nothing standard about our Low Coolant Sensors. Our product experts work closely with a customer’s engineers to design the best sensor for their specific application. And, Entratech Sensors are always manufactured using the highest quality materials available, resulting in long-life engine protection.


Standard Tank Mount Coolant Level Sensors can include these features:

  • 12-24 VDC operation
  • Power on self-test
  • Grounds up to one amp resistive or inductive load
  • Tank mount design with conductive fluid sensing circuit
  • Unique non-plating sensing technology
  • Can be interfaced to engine computers
  • Long life stainless steel probe tip
  • Time delay to prevent false alarms from coolant sloshing

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