Major - Model HD60 - Cremators
From Cremators
Major HD60 Cremator has a nominal throughput of up to five cremations per 8 hour day whilst maintaining clean emissions throughout each cycle.
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Products Details
The Major HD Cremator Family:
These cremators incorporate full automatic control including flue gas emissions. They meet or exceed the most stringent international pollution, environmental, health and air emission regulations.
The cremators operate on natural gas, LP gas or oil and employ the proven primary/secondary chamber design for clean discharge and reliable operation.
Major has concentrated on providing a simplified control interface requiring no special operator skills, PLC control system incorporating a touch screen, diagnostic system, modem off site system interrogation, and operator pager system all contribute to a state of the art technology cremator system.
Lotus and Hindu Cremator
The Lotus cremator is designed specifically to cater for the cremation of the very large Asian Lotus coffins.The basic characteristics of the charge size is:
Lotus Coffin
- Size 1.21m(H) x 1.21m(W) x 2.37m(L)
- Weight: 330kg (80kg body + 250kg casket)
The Hindu cremator is designed to meet the specific needs of the Hindu religion.
The basic characteristics of the charge size is:
Hindu Coffin
- Size: 0.88m(H) x 0.86m(W) x 2.31m(L)
- Weight: 168kg (80kg body + 88kg casket)
The Hindu and Lotus are not ordinary cremators, they are custom engineered to meet very stringent environmental, operational and religious requirements with a full two second residence time at 850 degrees celcius.
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