Mampaey - Quick Release Mooring Pulley
Conventional Quick Release Mooring Hooks are not always the right solution for mooring issues. When limited space is an issue, the Quick Release Mooring Pulley could offer a solution. A Quick Release Mooring Pulley is used to reduce the amount of fixed mooring points: instead of two conventional Quick Release Mooring Hook Units only one Pulley is needed. The mooring line will run from the moored vessel to the pulley where it will be looped back to the vessel where it will be secured on the vessel’s deck bits. This saves space on the deck of the vessel: only one winch is needed to create two mooring lines. With the Quick Release Mooring Pulley the force concentration on each rope is equalized because the friction in the sheave rotation is minimized.
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With the Mooring Load Monitoring System a close and constant watch on the forces on the mooring lines is kept. You can take immediate action in possible slack or overload situations. Load information is displayed in real time and alarms can be preset upon Safe Working Load requirements.
With the retrieved data the number of mooring lines required for safe mooring can be estimated. This information on is accessible through different portable devices such as PDA’s and pagers.
Mampaey Offshore Industries is specialized in customizing the products to the costumer’s demands. Mampaey also does the Revamping & Upgrading of existing jetties. The products can be customized for Low Temperature Environments, Coal and Iron Ore Applications.
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