Mass Megawatts - Innovate and Improve Alternative Energy Systems
Over the past 15 years, Mass Megawatts has continually strived to innovate and improve alternative energy systems and technologies. This includes new innovations that significantly improve the efficiency of solar power systems. Our latest innovation, the Mass Megawatts Solar Tracking System (STS), is designed to increase solar energy production by 30%.
The patented, STS technology is designed to automatically adjust the position of solar panels to receive an optimal level of direct sunlight throughout the day. Unlike other solar tracking technologies, the Mass Megawatts STS utilizes a low-cost structure that adds stability to the overall system while improving energy production levels.
The STS utilizes an innovative structural design that combines a simple, yet robust, A-frame design with a low-cost, protective outer-wall. Using a non-electrical, and passive, tracking technology, the solar panels are automatically repositioned throughout the day as the sun’s position travels from east to west. With ground fittings secured at multiple points, the system is designed to handle extreme weather and winds up to 120 mph.
The tracking technology allows the panels to receive more direct sunlight and to generate more solar power for the customer. With this system, solar power production is increased by up to 30% as compared to stationary configurations. Future versions of the STS will also offer a dual-tracking capability, which can further improve solar power generation levels by an additional 10%.
The STS allows Mass Megawatts to lower material costs and reduce the number of solar panels needed to generate the rated capacity. Due to this advantage, Mass Megawatts can deliver more solar power production at a price similar to lower-capacity, stationary systems. Specifically, we plan to offer 6.25 kW rated STS units at a price that’s competitive to stationary, 5 kW systems. In many locations, this improved output translates into a 40% rate of return for the customer with investment payback occurring in the 3rd year. Further, by taking advantage of a lease program or power purchase agreement (PPA) arrangement with the company, a customer may realize an immediate, positive cash flow, as immediate energy savings and/or revenues will be realized and/or exceed the monthly payments due.
Starting at 6.25 kW rated units, a Mass Megawatts STS system is appropriate for ground-level, residential and business sites, as well as, commercial, roof-top installations, and has a rated life expectancy of 20 years. Installation can be completed in a few business days, and there is no annual, routine maintenance to perform. Mass Megawatts coordinates all aspects of system delivery, including permitting, installation, and working to obtain any available tax incentives. They monitor the performance of each system, and provide a full, performance guarantee.
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