Flame Spray SpA

Flame Spray SpA

Metal to Metal in valves



Valves in petrochemical applications have to face very severe operating conditions in which corrosion and wear are very critical factors for the service life cycle. Metal to Metal (MtM) valves can guarantee superior protection against such problems.

In particular a MtM valve has the following advant...

In particular a MtM valve has the following advantages over the traditional soft sealed ones:

  • Ability to operate in a wide temperature range
  • Excellent corrosion, wear and abrasion resistance
  • Fire safe
  • Extended Service Life Cycle

Flame Spray offers you its long experience in the coating and grinding of valves.

Caboflam H trademark identifies Flame Spray's technological processes for carbide coatings in metallic matrix through high pressure combustion equipment (HP/HVOF). These types of coatings exhibit excellent bond strength, higher microhardness and density than those produced with traditional detonation equipment.

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