Metso - Gasification Technology
The CFB Gasifier is a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) reactor developed by Metso. It is a robust and proven process for utilising wide range of fuels from peat and biofuels to different waste fractions. It can be applied to substitute oil, natural gas or other fossil fuels in industrial furnaces like limekilns, or to substitute coal, peat or other fossil fuels in power boilers. Size range for our gasifiers is 20-150 MW.
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Main benefits of gasification
Main benefits of gasification
- Substitution for expensive fossil fuels
- Easy way to modify existing boilers for biomass and/or waste firing
- High share of biofuels or waste utilization is possible
- Can accept many types of fuels in the same process
- Leaves the existing systems intact and operational (backup and high availability)
- Can be built in a large scale up to over 100 MW/unit size
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