Meva Energy AB

Meva Energy AB

- Renewable Gas Producing Plant


Meva Energy´s renewable gas producing plant will be replacing fossil gas consumption at Sofidel’s tissue mill in Kisa, Sweden. Switching to renewable Meva gas, it is estimated that the mill will reduce its CO2 emissions by 8,500 tons per year compared with the carbon footprint of today’s consumption of fossil LPG. By utilizing the generated biochar, a total of 10,300 tons of Co2 can be reduced. The fossil fuel free new plant is schedule to start up in the second quarter of 2023 with fuel locally produced out of wooden pellets.


The paper production is the fourth most energy intensive industry in Europe and accounts for 296 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions globally. Today, most tissue drying processes make use of directly fired natural gas or LPG in order to provide a hot flue gas stream which is blown through the drying hoods at the yankee cylinder in order to dry the paper. This combustion of fossil gas is today the main unsolved source of greenhouse gas emissions from the tissue industry.  By using Meva Energys unique gasification technology to convert low value biomass residues to renewable gas, the fossil gas can cost-efficient be replaced, also for high-quality applications such as in tissue drying hood.

Simple integration
No need for rebuilding of combustion chambers except changing to multifuel burners

Replacing fossil gas
Replacing fossil LPG for process heat generation to tissue drying through industrial burners.

High quality boichar
As a side-stream from the gasification process, biochar is generated. One of the many application areas for this is to use it as soil improvement. Hence, except a potential income source, a carbon removal effect could be added to the whole solution.

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