MGM - Model 600V - Dry Type General Purpose Distribution Transformers
MGM Dry type transformers are designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with all applicable NEMA, ANSI and IEEE standards. MGM 600 Volt class transformers are UL and CUL listed in accordance to standards UL506 and UL1561 and are classified as isolation transformers.
Products Details
MGM Transformer Company has established a national distribution network with locations in 20 major cities in the continental U.S. Because of immediate availability from warehouse inventories and competitive pricing, MGM has become one of the leaders in this market.
MGM ventilated transformers utilize a NEMA 2 rated drip proof metal enclosure with natural draft ventilation. MGM dual rated enclosures are suitable for indoor or outdoor applications and are standard on all models except the 225, 300, and 500 kVA transformers (optionalWeather-shield Kits are available for these units).
Taps will compensate for the high or low line voltages. MGM 600 Volt class transformers are provided with 6 primary taps:
- 2@ 2-1/2% FCAN
- 4@ 2-1/2% FCBN
As part of our quality assurance process, all 600 Volt MGM Transformers go through a rigorous ANSI/IEEE test plan to ensure optimum performance. These tests include:
- Winding resistance test
- Turn ratio test
- Polarity and phase relation test
- No load losses and exciting current test
- Impedance and load loss test
- Applied potential test
- Seismic Kits
- Wall Brackets
- Rodent Screens
- Weathershield Kits
Standard Features
- NEMA TP1 Energy Efficient
- UL 506, UL 1561 Listed
- Aluminum or Copper Windings
- 60 Hz
- Electrostatic Shield
- Min. 60 dB Common Mode Noise Attenuation (Single shield)
- 150°C Temperature Rise
- ANSI C57.12.01
- Seismically Certified per ASCE/SEI 7-05
- OSHPD OSP Pre Approval
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