MHI SmartPlasma - Thermal Cascade Plasma Generator
Stable Thermal Cascade Plasma Generator. CleanElectricFlame. Easy use.
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Use the SmartPlasma device. Compare with DLC and other Plasma methods. Create Carbon Nitrides, Nitrogen Carbon, Borides, Mixed Borides. Hard and Smooth OxyNitride Colors. High Vickers. Compound layers in steels form in-situ or by graded layer processing. Use on chromium, molybdenum and managanese steels, titanium alloys, zirconium alloys, diamonds. Oxynitrides are one of the most important new class of materials for use in low wear surfaces, solar cells to glass coatings. Deburring is enabled by the cascade e-ion beam. Create Non-stick surfaces for steel and cast iron or treat cell phone glass. The Cascade e-ion allows for continuous seamless processing for improved tool and die performance, Welcome to the world of two dimensional materials formation of various types.
The Cascade e ion processes allow continuous use. Traditional furnace based batch treatment techniques could be expensive. Batch processes are often inefficient and expensive due to high furnace and facilities costs. Compare processing time in seconds/minutes with long processing times in furnaces and the associated huge energy consumption. Other costs from batch coaters include frequent maintenance and repair with specialized labor. Extra steps like plasma cleaning or blanking parts may be required which are mostly not required with the Cascade e-Ion process. XPS and other fine electronic probes display the fine structure, depth of ionic penetration and new phase formations which are advantageously used.
The application of titanium, zirconium and iron & steel alloys is limited by low shear strength, high coefficient of friction, low hardness and poor wear resistance. The cascade e-ion is the first process to offer processing within seconds with no space limitations. Some of the ROI's are astounding. Some truly useful phases of iron nitrocarbides, carbontrides, smooth oxynitrides, compound phases/layers for hardness and high wear resistance, epsilon phases, and titania or other antimicrobial nanostructures may be experienced. Experience also the possibilities of rapid bulk heat treating and quick brazing with very low operational costs - often less than a cent per part. Create conditions for chromium nitrides, titanium nitrides, tantalum, niobium and zirconium oxynitrides, manganese (oxy)nitrides, vanadium nitrides, oxycarbides, aluminides and aluminum/magnesium/silicon nitrides and oxynitrides (including composite combinations or particulate,fiber, functionally graded or grated layers). Lanthanum, perovskite Oxynitrides for photocatalytic power and photoconductivity. Ion nitride yittria zirconia films. Create functionally graded or grated layers with oxynitrides, oxides, inorganic elements, nitrides and many more. Change adherence in organic molecules by plasma polymerization on goggles, pastics, mold surfaces and other parts by direct application. Combust coal and Biomass to less release of aromatics and complete combustion. Please contact MHI for details when available.
Case Studies are discussed that range from tool bit reconditioning to easy surface improvement of steels and cast irons. Bearings, axles, rails, deep-dishes, pans, broaches, drills, carbide drills, cast irons, simple parts like nail clippers and scissors to complex parts that hold up space mirrors and much more can be GoldenBlue™ treated effortlessly with the cascade e-ion plume. Enjoy the benefit of high temperatures to create smooth and hard surfaces now made easily.
Simplified Surface Engineering Processing: Simply immerse in the Cascade e-Ion Plume
MHI Cascade e-IonThe Cascade CleanElectricFlame technology uses just electricity and air (or other gasses if required, like Nitrogen, Argon or Forming Gas) leaving behind no residues. MHI's Cascade e-Ion Plasma™ uses less energy, produces hardly any noise and is safer than traditional heating methods. It is one of the most special plumes available. The Cascade e-Ion systems are available for use with hard alloys, plastics, metals, glass forming, ceramics, composites and a number of other materials - even food or wood. The Cascade e-Ion devices can be used for sintering, for example, titanium and carbon mixed powders in minutes. Large surface plates are easily moved under the beam.. The CleanElectricFlame provides a Cascade e-Ion environment.
The Cascade e-Ion can bend, nitride, creat surface borides like Zirconium diboride and alloys, and for colorful smooth surface oxynitride of many materials including manganese, chromium, titanium and glass.
Possible use for automotive axles, pistons, piston rings, valve stems, guides crank shafts with quick low cost nitriding(O) - even for space re-entry surfacing. The CleanElectricFlame provides a new type of reducing environment. Even difficult materials like copper and tungsten-copper alloys have a shiny finish after the Cascade e-Ion plume treatment. In situ growth of nitrides and oxynitrides is a special 'open' feature that only the plume from the Cascade e-ion can accomplish. Adopt early. Early stage pricing and possible MHI partner financing available. MHI offers an attractive MHI-Never-Down program. Please ask for details on the Cascade e-Ion Models, like the unique the MHI-Never-Down program warranty-type features and, if required, MHI Financing. Click on the left navigation bar 'solutions' to view several of the case studies. Contact MHI for tool energy savings and astounding ROI possibilities.
From surface crystal growth technology to surface nitriding, the Cascade e-Ion places the technical process and value-addition possibilities squarely in the hands of innovators of tool-bits, steel parts, cast iron and steel manufacturers-both primary and secondary non-stick-surface manufacturers, solar cell materials and shapes, hydrogen storage and wafer manufacturers - thus giving everyone new market opportunities. The Cascade e-Ion makes it extremely feasible to provide dross reducing covers for melting metals. The DRO models are particularly well designed for this type of solution. The cascade e-ion can make magnets better for corrosion resistance or high temperature oxidation.
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