MicroCraft - Model E4M6151AL - Fully Automatic 4 Probe Tester
High-Speed Flying Probe Tester with Loader and Unloader (OK/NG) for the production of extremely high volumes.
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- Test area up to 610 x 510 mm
- Board size from 60 x 100 mm up to 635 x 535 mm
- 4 Probes (2 front/2 backside)
- Repeatable accuracy ± 4 µm (2 µm)
- Resolution 2 µm (1 µm)
- High throughput up to 10.000 points/min (E8) especially for HD and ML-Boards (E4: up to 6.600 points/min)
- Various options available, e.g. OK/NG stamper function, Barcode Reader, Virtual Command Center, HVS, HiPot, EVS, FVS
4-probe system with full automation
4-probe system with full automation
Standard Model E4M6151AL / High Accuracy Model E4H6151AL / Extra Accuracy Model E4S6151AL
Repeatability ± 4 µm / 2 µm
Resolution 2 µm /1 µm
Min Pad Pitch 100µm / 50µm
Min Pad Size 30µm / 20µm / 15µm
Fully automatic EMMA with vertical design.
EMMA with vertical type full automation.
The newly developed auto loader/unloader attached to the side allows for 24/7 unattended testing.
Once the boards are stacked on the loader, suction pads automatically convey the boards to the testing area. Upon completion of the test the boards are speedily transferred to the unloader, separated by PASS and FAIL boards.
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