Jinan Jichai Huanneng Gas Generating Equipment Co., Ltd. (JCHN)

Jinan Jichai Huanneng Gas Generating Equipment Co., Ltd. (JCHN)

Model 350GFM - Biomass Generator



This 350kW Biomass Generator is equipped with 8300D/M Gas engine as original power, and possesses the following outstanding characteristics and functions: The output voltage can be 400V, 6300V, 10500V, reducing the initial investment and running cost. Big bore of 300mm ensures its continuous constant power output. Low speed of 500rpm ensures the service life. Natural aspiration ensures the safety of coal bed methane delivery. Easy maintenance and low noise.

Technical Specifications


  • Steel Soundproof Container (sound attenuated canopy)
  • CHP/ Cogeneration/CCHP Trigeneration
  • ATS and Synchronization Parallelling Panel
  • Oil and Water Heater

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