Model A-Type - Watertube Steam Boiler
From Boiler
The A-Type watertube steam boiler, with centered steam and two lower mud drums, offers a symmetrical and well balanced design. This configuration generates increased performance of up to 250,000 PPH. The A-Type boiler design offers a large volume furnace ending on two convetion zones, one on each side of the furnace. Optional open bottom furnace is well suited for cogeneration and solid fuel firing.
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Product Overview
- Power Plants
- Industrial Process
- Manufacturing and Processing Facilities
- Pulp and Paper
- Saw Mills
- Universities
- Hospitals
- Petrochemical
- Ethanol Plants
- Symetrical Configuration
- Extensive Capacity Range
- Superior Steam Quality
- Low Maintenance Costs
- Watertube Steam Boiler
- Up to 250,000 PPH (Higher Capacity Upon Request)
- Up to 1500 psig
Large selection of adaptable combustion systems
Full range / choice of controls
Available as natural gas, #2 oil, biogaz and alternative gases
Meets or exceeds NOx emission standards
- Radiant type superheaters with temperatures up to 1000 ºF
- Reliable source of high quality, dry saturated steam (up to 99.9%)
- Superior steam quality (1 ppm) using appropriate separation technology
- Extensive capacity range
- Symmetrical design with natural circulation
- Gas tight membrane waterwall
- Boiler system components for maximum control of operation
- Improved shipping capabilities by road or train with well balanced weight distribution
- Indoor or outdoor installations
- Excellent long-term reliability to meet industrial and utility applications
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