Model ABC - Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
From Seal Support Systems - Wet Seal Systems
Air-cooled heat exchangers may be applied when water is not available or required heat removal can be achieved with an air-cooled heat exchanger. Air-cooled heat exchangers are available in a range of finned tube designs, including electrically driven air blast models.
- Eliminates requirement for cooling water.
- Allows use in remote locations and eliminates the costs associated with water treatment.
- Top-mounted motor for ease of installation and maintenance.
- Motor may be rotated in 90 increments for ease of installation.
Recommended Applications
- Process Pumps
- Mixer and Agitators
- Electric Motors
- Gearboxes
- Steam Turbines
- Gas Turbines
- Centrifugal Compressors
- Cooling Towers
- Other Compressors
- Driven Machinery
- Other Rotating Equipment
Standard Materials
- Tubing 316/L Stainless Steel
- Tension wrap fins 304 Stainless Steel
- Fan galvanized steel or aluminum
- Base and frame 304 Stainless Steel
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