Chalmers & Kubeck

Chalmers & Kubeck

Model Accutronix MX - Limitorque



Valve control is now easier than ever, thanks to a control panel that displays easy-to-understand messages in six languages! There are no confusing symbols to decipher, no special commands to learn—so you don’t need extensive training or cumbersome manuals. Answer simple “YES/NO” questions with control knobs to get status and diagnostic information or make setup changes, such as direction-to-close, or closed-position limit.

User-friendly control panel

User-friendly control panel

  • Two control switches for setup, monitoring, and adjustment.
  • Three light-emitting diodes (LEDs) signal valve and actuator status.
  • 32-character LCD display is easy to see and understand.
  • Fast, non-intrusive setup without tools responds to “YES” or “NO” answers.
  • Local diagnostics speed servicing.
  • Password and padlock provide security.

Setting torque and position is easy with Accutronix MX
Just answer “YES” or “NO” to simple questions on the MX control panel. Step by step, change torque ratings or valve position. Valve control has never been easier.

To adjust for “OPEN” and “CLOSE” use knobs to activate responses. Position limits are retained in EEPROM non-volatile memory (requires no battery backup power). Continuous monitoring by LimiGard adds protective measures, embedded in electronics.

Simply provide “YES” or “NO” responses to engage in dialog with MX units in stand-alone (LOCAL) or networked (REMOTE) configurations. Change actuator parameters by using the MX control panel—a friendly guide for the speedy control of motor-operated valve (MOVs). You’re in touch and in control of valve and actuator status … so you can respond fast to avert a problem or to refine operating efficiency.

MX’s user-friendly control panel speaks your language, making adjustments a snap. Valve position is continuously tracked and monitored by the absolute encoder (US Patent 5,640,007; 17 June 1997), resulting in understandable displays of actuator torque and valve position via digital links to the unit’s microprocessor. Even when power is down, or if the actuator is operated by a handwheel, the MX unit always “knows” valve position.

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