Model Aspiro 2U - 60 Amp Front Access DC Power System
From DC Power Equipment & Rectifiers
Aspiro 2U 60 Amp Front Access DC Power System is a 2RU high 19” rack-mounted, integrated solution providing an output of -48VDC. The system can accommodate up to 4 Aspiro family high efficiency hot-swap rectifiers. Aspiro 2U 60 Amp Front Access DC Power System provides a total load current of 60A / 3.2kW with battery charge current up to 30A in addition. The rectifiers are internally fan cooled with speed control which is a function of load and temperature, keeping acoustic noise to a minimum. The systems offers full front access for cable connections with push-pull mounting brackets for either 19” or ETSI mounting.
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The DC output circuits of the Aspiro 2U 60 Amp Front Access DC Power System can provide up to 8 loads with breakers rated from 1A to 30A. 2 additional breakers provide battery protection. A programmable 125A low voltage battery disconnect (LVBD) is standard while an optional partial load disconnect (PLD), also rated at 125A and programmable, can provide non-critical load shedding when operating on batteries.
Features and Options
- >95% Efficiency Rectifiers
- 60A / 3.2kW Load Capacity
- Full Front Access
- Intelligent Battery Management
- Remote Monitoring & Control
- Field Replaceable Controller
- Ethernet Comm. with SNMPv3
- 3 LED Alarm/Status Indicators
- 4 Form-C Relay Alarms
- 8 Load & 2 Battery Breakers
- LCD Display/Touchpad
- Easy Installation
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