Model BS - Various Pressure Booster Set
From Booster Sets
Various pressure booster packages tailored to suit a wide range of requirements in the water supply. Each system is carefully designed to meet the applications individual needs and it is selected on a basis of maximum reliability, durability, efficiency and economical operation. Pump model ranges are used to build standard and specialist packages of single or multistage pumps( type KCP or MS) to operate as worker/buster/stand by systems. Control equipment incorporating traditional Pressure/Flow/Level operation is available, together with the latest design in frequency control and inverter drive. All fabrication for skid mounted units is carried out in-house and full operation testing is carried out in MZT Pumpi ‘s own test facilities.
Most popular related searches
- Clean Water
- Little muddy water
- Water supply
- Oil Industry
- Heating Plants
- Mining,Civil engineering
- Capacity: up to 12 l/sec
- Head: up to 80 m
- Temperature: up to 90 °C
- Diesel Motor
- Electric motor
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