US Cremation Equipment

US Cremation Equipment

Model Classic-Plus - Human Cremation Systems



The “Classic PLUS” is U.S. Cremation Equipment’s newest addition to its All-Star lineup of human cremators. This user-friendly, high-performance, mid-size unit substantially improves combustion efficiency through the addition of roof arch air ports and an enlarged pollution control chamber. The result is increased daily throughput, faster cremation cycles and lower fuel consumption.

Standard features of the Classic PLUS

Equipped with a 46 inch-wide primary chamber the PLUS is capable of completing a cremation every 75 to 90 minutes

when operated in a production mode and can accommodate cases up to 1000 pounds. As with all Classic models

the PLUS has been tested for safety and listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and requires no extended cooldown beaten cremations.

  • Primary Chamber – 46” wide opening for easy loading of large and obese cases.
  • View Port – Enables Operator to safely observe each stage of the process.
  • 10-inch Color Touch Screen – Each stage of the process along with various screens indicating time, chamber temperatures, air settings and other functions.
  • Rear Compartment – Virtually all major components are housed in the rear compartment for easy access when performing service and routine maintenance.
  • Fully Automatic – Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) controls each stage of the process from start to finish.
  • Remote Monitoring – Access through an Ethernet connection is standard for the PLUS

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