BCE – Burners and Combustion Equipment – srl

BCE – Burners and Combustion Equipment – srl

Model DTPJE - Ultra Low NOx Burners



Ultra Low NOx burners DTPJE are designed to satisfy the most stringent restrictions on pollutant emissions on fuel gas firing, with or without Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) while providing high combustion efficiency and reliability with all kinds of gaseous fuels. Thermal NOx reduction is achieved by separating both the combustion air and the fuel gas in “primary” and “secondary” flows which ensures a “staged” combustion with less “hot spots” where NOx formation would be critical. Typical applications of our Ultra Low NOx burners includes forced or balance draft boilers as well as any kind of refinery or industrial furnace, thermal oxidizers and process heaters.


Two air registers control combustion air flow. Each register is consisting of an axially moving drum controlling primary / secondary air rations. Strong combustion air vorticity is achieved by means of primary and secondary air swirlers whose position is set during the start – up and commissioning phases to provide the proper air turbulence which ensures optimal mixing with the gas.
In order to provide Ultra Low NOx emissions, the fuel gas is distributed in a wide volume to provide high combustion efficiency while reducing overall flame intensity. Most of the fuel gas is injected through a fuel gas distribution plenum equipped with a set of lances. Each lance is provide with a “multi jets” nozzle which injects the fuel gas outside the refractory throat. The nozzles can be rotated without halting burner operation to optimise gas distribution, achieving low emissions and combustion efficiency.
An additional central gas lance is fed with a small portion of the fuel gas, ensuring very high flame stability over very wide burner firing ranges.


Main Characteristics

  • Burner designed to meet Client's specific requirements
  • Highly reliable and efficient as demonstrated by a large number of installed units
  • Primary and secondary air registers to control the distribution of combustion air inside the burner (manual or automatic)
  • Primary and secondary air swirlers to ensure air vorticity and distribution
  • Fuel gas distributed through a plenum with adjustable nozzles and a central gas lance for flame stability
  • Capable of burning different kinds of gaseous fuels at the same time
  • Can be operated either with fresh or pre - heated combustion air
  • High flame stability over a wide turn - down range
  • Can be operated with Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) to further reduce pollutants emissions

Burner Data

Firing rate: up to 60 MW
Flame dimensions(*): adjustable
Materials: carbon steel, stainless steel
Combustion air: up to 550 °C
Turndown: 7:1
Pressure drop: 200 – 250 mm wg

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